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Trish Wilson writes horror, romance, and fantasy. She sometimes writes as Elizabeth Black and E. A. Black. As the Media Director for The Horror Zine, she has written fiction and interviewed authors including Ramsey Campbell and Joe Lansdale.
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#WritersCoffeeClub March 9 - Does caffeine intake influence your writing? Not really. Caffeine (specifically coffee) intake influences if I'll fall asleep at my desk. However, after three cups, I start to hum. #coffee #writing #caffeine #writingcommunity

#WordWeavers March 9 - Could you survive a day in your MC’s shoes? Depends on the MC. I write horror. Most of them? I wouldn't last an hour let alone a day. I'd survive if I were Sonia in "Snow Job" - as long as I get away with murdering my husband. :) #horror #horrorsky #shortstories

#pretendpanel March 9 - I write horror. For me, conflict makes the story. Without conflict, I get exposition which stops a story dead in its tracks. Conflict for me drives the story forward. #writingcommunity #writing #booksky #horror #horrorsky #horrorstories

#pretendpanel March 8 Rejections don't bother me. I mostly write short stories. I have a list of publications I consider when submitting, and with each rejection I turn to the next pub on the list. I edit as needed. My stories eventually find good homes. #writingcommunity #writers #submissions

#WordWeavers March 8. Which one of your characters is in the least safe situation? Take your pick. Scott in "The Flesh Eaters", attacked by jellyfish, or so he thinks. Charlie in "Target Practice", swarmed by crows. Clara has eaten mutant dandelions. It's like an Edward Gorey book. LOL #horror

#WritersCoffeeClub Marc 8. Happy International Women’s Day! What female author inspired you the most? Shirley Jackson. I read "The Haunting of Hill House" after seeing the movie. It scared the snot out of me! Dorothy Parker and Sue Grafton also inspired me. #WiHM #Internationalwomensday #writing

#WordWeavers March 7: Which one of your characters is in the safest situation? I write horror. "Safe" is relative. LOL Dana in "Things That Go Hump In The Night" is safest. The ghost in her room likes to spank, but Dana can't see her. She never knows when that swat is coming. :) #booksky #writing

#WritersCoffeeClub March 7: What’s the first thing you do when you sit down with a new project? Panic, then run myself ragged coming up with an idea that isn't totally stupid. Then, I chew my nails down to the quick and panic some more. That's just for the first sentence. #writing #booksky

#WritersCoffeeClub March 6: How do you feel you can further develop as a writer? Keep reading. Keep subbing to pro markets until I finally get accepted. Continue interviewing well-known horror writers. Write as long as I enjoy it. Once it turns into a chore, I'm done. #writingcommunity #booksky

A little levity for Ash Wednesday. 😁 #ashwednesday #lent #easter #brucecampbell #armyofdarkness #theevildead #horrormovies #horrorcomedies

#HorrorWritersChat Here's where to find The Horror Zine. I'm Media Director. The Horror Zine THZ (Facebook): THZ - BlueSky

#HorrorWritersChat Here's where to find me on the web: Trish Wilson (Web Site): Trish Wilson (Elizabeth Black) - Facebook Trish Wilson - BlueSky

#HorrorWritersChat The Horror Writers Association cited "Wicked Women: An Anthology of the New England Horror Writers" for Women in Horror Month. My story "The Fetch" appears in this book. I wrote my story as E. A. Black

#Wordweavers Day 5: What social classes do your MC and antagonist belong to? Considering my story is named "Trailer Trash Zombies", that should give a very good clue about Kevin's and the anti-zombie thugs' social class.

This is similar to what happened to my MC in "Things That Go Hump In The Night". She sought refuge in a motel. She couldn't see the ghost, so when it asked in an annoyed voice, "What are you doing in my room?", my MC let out a girly scream and ran out the door. #HorrorWritersChat

I'd say my scariest story is "The Oily", which includes some unsettling imagery and claustrophobia. Stupefying Stories (publisher) said it was "one of the most disturbing horror stories we’ve ever published". I was delighted it did so well. The story made my skin crawl. #HorrorWritersChat

I'm Trish Wilson, and I'm the Media Director for The Horror Zine. I'm mainly a pantser, although I do plan out the general outline in my head. Coming up with endings is always a PITA for me, though. I plan as much as I can, but I like to see in what direction the story takes me. #horrorwriterschat

#wordweavers Is your MC a picky eater? What are their preferences? Well, considering my MC Kevin is a zombie, he does get tired of brains all the time. Gets old fast. A little human tartare is tasty and goes a long way. Long pig for the win! #horrorsky #horrorwriting #booksky #writing

#WritersCoffeeClub March 5. What writing-related tools or resources have you found most effective? I like OPEN CALL pages on Facebook. I can find some good submission calls there. I like Submission Grinder for the same reason. My beta readers are a great resource as well. #horrorsky #horrorbooks

#pretendpanel March 2 (I'm late but participating) - I'm taking on more horror author interviews and writing flash/short stories. I'd like to write a horror novel, but not yet. #horrorwriting #horrorsky #booksky #writingcommunity #horror #horrorbooks

March #WriterCheckIn What are we working on/ hoping to achieve this month writers? I need more horror author interviews. Just handed one in for Heather Graham. I'd also like to write and submit more flash fiction and short stories. #horror #horrorwriting #booksky #horrorsky #writingcommunity

"Wicked Women: An Anthology of the New England Horror Writers" has been named by the Horror Writers Association in celebration of Women in Horror Month. My story "The Fetch" appears in this book. #booksky #horrorwriting #horrorbooks #writingcommunity #horror #anthologies

#WritersCoffeeClub Does the first line represent your style & voice? From my WIP "Another Fine Mess": When I woke up, I felt as if a pack of mules had used my head as a soccer ball. Yes, it covers all. I like imagery and feeling off kilter. This first sentence feels like pain. #horrorwriting

#WordWeavers Mar 3: MC POV: You get to spend a fun night out with anyone. Who do you choose and where do you go? Kevin from "Trailer Trash Zombies". We'd go to a zombie rave in Salem, Massachusetts. Witches don't like it since they don't like the competition. Sounds like fun! #horror #booksky

#WritersCoffeeClub Mar 3: How can your current writing routine be improved? Stick to my routine. Lately, we've had some upheaval in our lives that threw everything off, but things are getting better. I write non-fiction as well as fiction. Keeps things exciting. #horror #horrorwriting #booksky

#HorrorWritersChat Here's the link to vote for my horror story "Locked In" at Crystal Lake Publishing. $5 to join Patreon. Thanks in advance for those who vote for me. 💖 Read the story here:

#HorrorWritersChat Here's my info for The Horror Zine. I'm Media Director. The Horror Zine THZ (Facebook): THZ - BlueSky

#HorrorWritersChat Thanks for another great week! Please vote for my horror story "Locked In" ($5 to join Patreon): Here's where to find me: Web Site: Facebook BlueSky

#HorrorWritersChat My husband and I always celebrate with a few glasses of bubbly from Mumm. We also have a lovely homemade dinner my gourmet husband makes as well as chocolate. Gotta celebrate in style!

#HorrorWritersChat "Another Fine Mess" - Kinda like John Carpenter's "The Fog" but with a hungover idiot at the helm rather than the competent and very smooth Adrienne Barbeau. My pirates are far more pissed off, too.

#HorrorWritersChat Question 2 - My favorite writing/brainstorming spot? Cape Hedge Beach in Rockport, Massachusetts. A hidden place even few in town know about. It's always deserted and feels like a private beach. I walk there to brainstorm plot bunnies and to relax when weather permits.

I'm Trish Wilson, Media Director of The Horror Zine. I write quiet horror and horror comedy. My story "Another Fine Mess" - Pirates don't care if you're drunk. #HorrorWritersChat

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 26: Did your childhood affect the way you write/what you write? Yes. An insane priest and my second grade teacher were huge influences. The teacher is the first person I knew who published a book. The priest wrote poetry for The New Yorker. He was demented. And there's this:

#WordWeavers Feb. 25 - MC POV: If you could have any job in the world, what would you choose? Gaffer (stage and screen lighting), because I used to be one. Kate Stanwood, my MC from "Secrets and Lies" has the stamina to do it. I was a member of IATSE. Worked on "Die Hard 3" and "12 Monkeys".

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 24. Do you avoid specific genres or styles? I've already written erotica, mystery, horror, fantasy, SF, comedy, and romance. Three I haven't written are steampunk, bizarro, and western because I can't wrap my head around them. It's not avoidance. It's no interest.

Michael Bailey is looking for writers, readers, etc. to add to a starter pack. Here's the link to let him know you're interested. I can't find the original post, but this one will do. #horrorwriting #horrorcommunity #horror #booksky

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb. 23. What is your favourite mistake encountered when editing? When I was in high school, my history teacher had me type up some work for him. I did not edit well. Instead of "all classes" I wrote "ass classes". I was already unpopular. This made it worse. LOL