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Sociologist (Culture & Politics, Sexualities & Families, Memory Studies); Practitioner & Teacher of Qualitative Methods; Associate Professor of Sociology @FFZG University of Zagreb. Project #SenseAGENDa,
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It's a strange experience rereading Weeks' The World We Won immediately after Butler's Who's Afraid of Gender. And it really made me realize I need to focus a chapter in Anti-Gender Talk on how knowledge of diff ways to live is targeted not bc they fear influence but bc they fear thinkability.

I'm reading a book on qual. interviewing in prep for one of my future courses and spending most of the time disagreeing with the authors. Funny how, after some 100 interviews or so, one comes to hold fierce opinions on how interview questions should be formulated. :)

Well, the Balkans are strong in the curse-speak for good reasons. I'm sure we can provide this service for all in need. Borrow at will!

Brilliant Adriana Zaharijevic writes about student protests in Serbia. If you're looking for a trustworthy & insightful analysis, look no further!

Writing progress today. -14 words in 45 minutes. And I'm quite devastated to report that removing the sentence I adored (bc how often do you get to use alliteration in academic writing: don't you just love the sound of 'tropes, tactics and targets'!?!) made the text better.

From outside, the US currently looks like Milgram's experiment gone very terribly wrong.

Last week we kicked-off CA 'Democratization at stake? Comparing Anti-Gender Politics in CEE and NME countries' #AntigenderPolitics in Herne in Germany. A lot to do in our four working groups, so join us!

One of the things I plan to show in my book 'Anti-Gender Talk' is how the tyranny of the 'common-sense' is used to suppress gender & sexual rights. Hate to see this picked up so prominently!

The most important lesson of publishing our book was that you need to call the theoretical/main argument chapter "Chapter 1" and not "Introduction". It's too late for us, but may your theor. chapters have their separate content heading, unlike ours which is helpfully presented as Front Matter.

I have a fancy new planner which motivated me to make yearly reading4pleasure goals. 1st is to read all of Asimov from Robot to Foundation. Asimov is new2me author, but I'm making a nice progress & feeling very pleased w/myself for choosing this goal!

Note to self: remember not to like cat posts when logged in official capacity!!!

ESA RN Sexuality has arrived! Sociology peeps, time to follow!

I'm thinking about names for my book project. Would you read 'Anti-Gender Talk. How People Make Sense of Gender and Sexuality and Why Mobilizations against Equality Matter'? Or is it too long?

Wow, I didn't know this was happening in Zagreb but it looks super interesting! Probably too expensive for us in Cro institutions, but maybe some will be able to find funds.

Evo neceg malo starijeg, ali stavih nedavno u repozitorij, mozda bude nekome korisno za nastavu - dosta je detaljno: Homoparentalnost: Vodič kroz najnovije spoznaje i istraživanja o ishodima djece koju odgajaju istospolni roditelji (2004.-2016.)

 ​You know the micro concussions football players get every play? I get a micro aneurism every time an economist “discovers” a 100 year old sociological concept.

The story about the lack of academic resources is well familiar to many scholars working in CEE institutions. And we often have to persuade reviewers why cases of our countries matter. But we don't get grants (see any year of ERC grants) is of course bc we're not good enough.

Yes! I recently had a strange experience of my research report that I wrote in the 1st person in English changed to passive in its Croatian translation. The translation was otherwise excellent, but I guess some bad rules of sci writing are hard to unlearn!

I'd like to share one of my greater achievements this year- the Queer Justice Index. Myself and created a measure of the relationship between political corruption and LGBTQ+ inequality, through data collected by +

I've decided that my Xmas movie is Knives Out. Just bc I first watched for Xmas and now it feels all Xmassy to me

I'd like to move from Atlas.ti to a freeware qual analysis software my students could use. I want them to be able to comment on quotations (txt fragments or citations) *before* assigning any codes. Atlas allows it, but all freeware software I tried forces you to code 1st. Any suggestions?

Hard at work* at data analysis. *Well, some of us here are working harder than others.

By how much I like them and/if they're in the same wanna-read category. Obviously.

Can't right now. Come back next year.

Wanted to read the Nature article, not expecting any surprises. And there indeed weren't any, even if I didn't get to read the article. Story in a two images. Greetings from your CEE scientist without any institutional access worth mentioning.

This! But also I'm kind of happy experiencing it now. Ditto for Foundation, my parallel watch. P.S. Have I mentioned I saw the US Office & the Wire for the 1st time only a couple a years ago?

That literally sounds like the nightmare to me. Why?!!!

A short piece comparing social capital in American and Croatian academia, and how meritocracy (US) versus a bureaucratic "Brussels" ideology (Croatia) serves to shield academics from the reality that social capital and connections determine job prospects (and I would add, participation in authority)

I must admit I have also experienced this catastrophic development!

Catmas season has officially began. Greetings to all who celebrate! Let your trees & decorations survive!

Upravo sada, Mars solidarnosti za Palestinu! Bravo Filozofski!

I haven't been feeling well but fortunately the support cat takes her job very seriously.