Hate Voices, noise
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And also i hate the whole but if you use good faith. Would these people like drinker or nerdrotic would use good faith attack sjw so no.
I wish you Said that in your debate with evs. When he Said why don’t trust me.
You should say i don’t trust you in same way you don’t trust sjw ethan.
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Sorry for all moviebob quotes.
I'm not for the correct action to be overridden in favor of the will of the stupid, just because they happen to occupy more space.
And all of them are some moviebob anti right wing takes
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'Normal' people are trash. No-one that ever mattered was 'normal.' Exceptional, elite people build and drive the world, and get called [SPOILER] for their trouble.
At some point we need to stop treating 'stupid' as functionally different from evil.
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From moviebob
When intelligent members of society become unable to overrule the ignorant, society falls.
People who have no understanding of the political world around them have no right to criticize or complain about our superior future.
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At some point, you have to choose to be a party to meaningful societal evolution and accept that not everyone is going to follow you into the future. Some will choose to remain backward and be left behind.
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From moviebob himself
All America politics of my lifetime have been about backwards people wedded to an inferior present trying to prevent a superior future. I am so very,very tired of being denied a better world because of the small visions and smaller minds afflicting
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Off topic i alway hate chuds and suck ass
Quotes. Moviebob
I'll never forgive the troglodytes who stole the future I EARNED to prolong their worthless existence.
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Off topic i hate the whole if do objective or good faith. Crap
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Is like if Geno Bisconte did something like this he sing kung Fu fighting by crowder. Was he part of fued because he work for Cumia who got have this fued with crowder
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By way i forgot to say, if do response youtu.be/_l4h3raOm8Y?...
Yes her boss Cumia have a fued with crowder but main problem is Chrissie Mayr was not really part of fued.
And greay is frame no Bob how can Chrissie Mayr agree with crowder because of the fued.
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As long is not the finger. I don’t mind ai art.
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To quoteo moviebob again
" I'll never forgive the troglodytes who stole the future I EARNED to prolong their worthless existence."
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And also moviebob is better mauler as human being
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Like these example.
To be fair i think arch was nervious laughing.
He was not ha ha ha this is f funny.
Maybe he was he don’t know what to do.
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maybe he is laughing at an Andrew Tate meme that he remembered (like the one at the end of your video),
maybe he just has to laugh, because if he didn't, he'd cry.
To be fair arch laugh was more nervious laugh then like ha ha is funny.
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Or this You also employ similar tactics at 11:04, where you simply create a motive for Arch's laughter.
There could be more than 100 reasons for Arch to laughter:
You also employ similar tactics at 11:04, where you simply create a motive for Arch's laughter.
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It from YouTube Coment.
This is what we call a 'strawman arguement'. Rather than addressing what your opponent says, you address what you say, they say.
Is from the same Guy.
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Like one example was when you Said in arch response. From Coment At Arch asks "What outlets do [young men] actually have?"
You respond with "So you're talking about movies with male action leads?"
You then go on to debunk the new 'imagined' statement, rather than addressing Arch's actual question.
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And also say to them not like you should like or agree with them.
But the whole Hey you’ve being to bad faith maybe they is a reason why they’ve act this way. Like f off. Is go by same logic you’il should do the same.
Ok i don’t have example
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Oh Speak of which, if you debate let say Andrew Clark or do sitch and Adams again can you say something like this.
Why we should is once that should be nice to drinker or nerdrotic. But they should not be nice to sjw or leftist people
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And also i hate good faith crap on Principle. I Said before in 2013 to 2016.
Was bunch people that basic Said you’re should be mean to Anita sarkeesain oh you being bad faith. ( ok they was few ) F no. So why can you guys do the same on nerdrotic or drinker
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I hate patriotism. I hate the whole we see the country man garbage that whisp ( he is that guy who dei race mixed ) like we see as american and so on. I hate this shit. Is annoying i hate it on Principle.
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Again i don’t think they would have a problem ( i don’t talk about culture war. Even drinker is sick of this garbage ) i talk about media that got right wing (not Christian stuff too ) super pro gun ( a hole backshit but they a blah ) and got PRO american patriotism crap.
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Oh the whole right wing propaganda thing. I swear to god would nerdrotic or drinker have a problem with a movie that is super right wing With PRO Gun and patriotism
( drinker don’t like ladyballer don’t count to quotes tj Kirk it don’t mean anything even he thought it was awful )
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Is sad i want to see it as a scp.
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For records Anthony Cumia got a fued with Steven crowder. Because Dave Landau left Compound Media to join Steven Crowder's show, Louder with Crowder
But i don’t think Chrissie Mayr was part of fued.
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Oh Bob off topic but Josh hadley got a podcast call Radiodrome. And here fun fact chris Gore use be guest. Check it out and send this to dane too.
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And Josh hadley is Brad Jones friend ( he is weird one, he hate woke and sjw and the last jedi. But he not right wing he hate Trump and he call eil Roth death wish remake, right wing propaganda. And how it PRO Gun I am not make this shit up )
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Oh this a bit off topic bob. But if ever do musterd response to you and his debate. Can you Said yes her boss got fued with crowder but i don’t think she was part of it.
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I am with Josh hadley deep space Nine was better
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And also other quotes from moviebob with people like drinker or nerdrotic or even mauler.
I'll never forgive the troglodytes who stole the future I EARNED to prolong their worthless existence."
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And styxhexenhamner666 too
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And also off topic you should put arch on chud tierlist
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Fun fact i remember in 2015. A Guy name crash Thompson review Eric july backwordz band. And Eric july got butt hurt. And he Said only Libertarian and ancap understand it.
And then bunch Libertarian and ancap was like fuck you dude.
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Off topic is just me, but Eric July look up on like Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. Are in fact Libertarian conservative.
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quotes not quteo
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quotes not queto