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I'm a meat-eating, God-fearing, beer-drinking, Confederate-sympathising British Ultranationalist. God made two genders and two genders alone, deal with it!
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A video I uploaded for St. Paddy's Day.

Never forget Rhodesia, a land brutally betrayed by those she thought of as her friends, betrayed by her own mother under Harold Macmillan!

The Homeland Party is one of our best hopes!

The motherland forever!

Germans and parades go together like good cheese and some strong ale!

I wish we had this kind of leader today...

The Somme Cemetery, my great-great-grandfather who fell on the Somme at the age of 23 lies somewhere in there. Lately, I have only been able to ask "What did he die for!?"

"Flags of a Free Empire" by Arthur Mees, 1910

The flag of the British Empire (1910 - 1921)

A lovely image of Austria standing proudly, with her banner in her hand, from a 1914 poster.

Britannia stands with the White Ensign - her naval ensign

Hmmm...noticing a few things... Here's a good website for all those who want to know truthful things!

Raise the White Dragon! Symbol of our Anglo-Saxon forefathers!

Let's just face facts.

Erusea did nothing wrong! She was ravaged by asteroid fragments, her economy was on the verge of collapse, and her "friends" attempted to "persuade" her to take in loads of refugees and destroy her already fragile economy by putting sanctions on her, which crippled her economy!

"Britain was ALWAYS diverse", aye, our forefathers came from Germany, Holland, Denmark AND Norway!

As a British nationalist, I have two mothers - my mother and Britannia! I love my motherland deeply!

Hail Sir Oswald Mosley! The greatest PM we never had!

White (and Conservative) is beautiful!