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Prof gdnr Spkr/Writes/Draws Designs Urban Env Hort/Plants Consultant Wildlife ❤ dogs. Gay. Struggling in world where non-humans & environment don't count. Has a tiny allotment. Far too many pots & tubs. Way too little actual soil.
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Once I think of plants for this year I think salvias that suit pot/container life & West London. Bumble-bees - love them. No idea of ID. Rangy in habit this one. A few blocks away summer last. A broken off piece- they are v brittle - just MIGHT reside in my garden now. Works with maroon picket fence

Primulas. Mostly Primula vulgaris. All in a garden across the street. One with a pink Flowering Currant hedge - Robes sanguineum.

Canary Island Date Palm - Phoenix canariensis. Planted far too close to the front of the house. The fronds already reach to over 2 storeys. This morning.

Local courtyard garden down by the Thames. Very much of Californian or Italian style. Mossy stone lion. Palms numerous -including Canary Island Date, Jelly - Butia, European Fan - Chamaerops and Chinese Windmill -Trachycarpus Palms. Also Cycas revoluta in a tub. Years old now.

Russian Vine. Name has changed often. Was Polygonum baldschuainicum. Unbelievable thug of a climber. Engulfing over-growm Leylandii. Whose name has also changed and changed again. X Cupressocyparis Leylandii. Makes a good tree surprisingly. One that coped with our ever more stormy weather.

Local Mimosa - Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle. Going back to the 1950s nothing like this would grow in England away from in coastal regions that were mild. Now it's not at all uncommon. Many of them around here in TW1 now.

A huge Fig - Ficus carica just around the corner from where I live. On a railway embankment. The fruits never set properly - which I would imagine is because it derives from a dried figs seed source. No tiny gall wasp pollinators.. Spectacular in leaf.

Fruiting Pomegranate in the centre of Richmond Town Centre - Punica granatum. Also a variegated Oleander - Nerium oleander. Which is a form that often bears deep pink, double flowers. Doesn't flower a lot though. A hybrid Magnolia behind. London grows ever more exotic and strange.

There is a lot of what is effectively a greatly extended woodland edge environment where I live. Linear parks with bramble and scrub. Planted trees. Self-set natives and naturalised. Gardens. Railway embankment scrub as several lines converge. Quite a bird diversity also.

Clematis cirrhosa in flower on a fence that bounds my allotment site. A good winter flowering plant.

The allotments I walk past at least once a day. Cold and frosty. Sun starting to come up. Last Sunday. Early.

Narcissus Ice Follies - I think. Early walk this morning.

Bramble leaves against the rising sun. Frosty and foggy. Yesterday. Bulrush seed heads and silvered grass. Morning walk

Rosa (Floribunda) W.B. YEATS. in flower. Rose Wednesday. Lost this one sadly to mistaken maintenance on my allotment site. Wrong area was 'tidied'. Strimmed to a stump then pulled out. I don't love neat freaks so much.

Neighbour's front garden specimen of Corkscrew Hazel - Corylus avellana Contorta. The trunk and growth are definitely very much as from an ancient forest tree. This or even an Ent. The ones in our imaginations. Not on the movies.

Local Chaenomeles NIVALIS - white flowered quince. Just around the corner from home. The last shrub of what had been a small hedge of this. As with too many front gardens the parking area took precedence.