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And sometimes those childbirth deaths weren't related to the pregnancy/birth per se but from infections caused by lack of antiseptic practices. Doctors coming from sickbeds or handling cadavers and then delivering babies with unclean hands. Do we want to ignore sterilization and antibiotics, too?
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Even after some shady financial help from his dad.
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Forget MAGA. Every non-CNN mainstream media outlet would be tut-tutting all over the place about it, and the NYT would have three weeks of "Biden is old and senile and Dems are in disarray" stories blanketing the A section.
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We need to get our claims in fast. He's something like 95 now.
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At least RFK Jr. has a medical reason for his vocal quality, spasmodic dysphonia. Miller is just an annoying asshole whose voice just reflects the grating ugliness within.
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And Brett Kavanaugh and Lindsey Graham were off-the-charts hysterical at those Scotus nomination hearings. Any woman who acted like that would have no political future or business career left and would have been verbally pelted with "on the rag" PMS jokes on every right-wing social media platform.
comment in response to post also covered it (no paywall):
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Jeff Poor, their "conservative" opinion writer, who is executive editor of 1819 News. Smug, lying POS (at least in print; I don't know him). He used to write for Breitbart. Enough said.
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Bush got a shit-ton less blame than he deserved for the damage he inflicted, from the forever wars to Katrina to the biggest financial disaster since the Great Depression. But Trump taught me never to say, "Nobody could ever be worse than Dubya Bush." W's the luckiest president ever.
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Also, they honestly don't know about a lot of it, because their "news" sources are so corrupt. They're reporting all this as some sort of triumph over the deep state. It's going to take a while before the consequences fully hit all of us, including Trump's voters. Then, too late, if not stopped now.
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done it, because that would mean less money to SS and just feed into RW narratives of SS in trouble, but it would be better to get the $ from raising the withholding cap than continue to gouge seniors unfairly while everything else under the sun, including benefits, is indexed for inflation.
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The original tax for "higher-income recipients" hit about 20%. Now it's over half of recipients. A single person with over $25K from ALL income, not just SS, pays tax on 50% of benefits. At about $35K, it's on 85% (set in 1993). Adjusted, that $25K would be about $70k+ now I know why nobody's
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True, VERY low income people don't pay tax on Social Security. However, because they have not changed the income amount that triggers the tax in 42 years, it hits an awful lot of middle income recipients. Somehow, $25,000 just doesn't seem to go around as well it did in 1983. It needs indexing.
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And Canadians extended their considerable hospitality to travelers diverted there when U.S. airspace was closed in the immediate aftermath of the attack. Canada knows how to be a good neighbor and reliable ally, and the U.S. should be ashamed and embarrassed that this arrogant fool speaks for us.
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Plus, you had 20 years of grievances and frustration with aspects of the mission among military and government ranks and they were all clamoring to give their takes. So the stories wrote themselves. And with compellibg optics, they could go the lazy contextless route for clicks and eyeballs
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They were so f'ing happy to have something to pile on Biden about. Coverage had been pretty favorable (because he was -- duh-- doning a good job, and legacy media is always unomfortable with sustained positive coverage of Democrats. They get paranoid about the dreaded "liberal media" label.
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... that only eat blue faces.
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Gotta break a few (very expensive) eggs to make omelets, amirite?
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Backed up by a goose-stepping chorus of his fresh-faced DOGE Baby Bros.
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Plus, Khanna misspells Stephen Douglas as Douglass (as in a Lincoln-Douglas contemporary of another color). Has he been watching Fox?
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Maintaining Congress is a huge expense. Since they don't want to do their jobs and are willing to cede their responsibilities to the executive branch, let Elon know. It would go a long way toward that $2T he's trying to cut.
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And point out that his president just released 1,500 violent domestic terrorists into the U.S. general population. Can we defund him?
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Yes, as we all know, it's much worse to be called a racist or a Nazi than to actually be one.
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Who else would (fuck Bill)?
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He made those remarks only a few months ago. It's not like this was some embarrassing moment from his distant past when he was a feckless teen instead of a nasty young adult. And forgiveness usually requires some repentance before it's granted. No sign of that.
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Because they ACT like infants, I guess it's easy to think of them in an infantalizing way. Of course, the biggest man-baby of them all is 78 years old.
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Absolutely agree. A must-read.
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Cruz is especially odious and cowardly. He let Trump call his wife ugly and accuse his dad of being involved in the JFK assassination, yet is one of his biggest ass-kissers now. And he's obnoxious. As Al Franken quipped, "I like Ted Cruz more than his fellow Republicans do, and I hate Ted Cruz."
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Any more? I don't think it EVER was. Charlie Pierce doesn't call it Tiger Beat on the Potomac for nothing.
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Yeah, it's not like those are hard to find. They're everywhere. They're generally the first thing open even after disasters. The first sign of life after a nuclear holocaust will be a Waffle House reopening. Scattered, smothered, radioactive.
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Not only that, but Musk has a HUGE conflict of interest, considering how many fed contracts he has and how much he and his cos. benefit from certain spending. A top-to-bottom years-long careful audit of USG could be beneficial if done by qualified, experienced, neutral observers. This ain't that.
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?? Maybe in the morning (I'm usually at work so I haven't watched much in yrs, but my memories aren't fond), but there's no way in hell Joe is a better GOP anti-Trumper than Nicolle Wallace, or even Michael Steele, for that matter. And the nighttime hosts have never had the GOP taint to begin with.
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"Those DEIs in South Africa, they're thinking bad thoughts. To the cottonfield, I mean cornfield, with them."
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Yes, as Harry Reid used to say, you can always count on having Collins' vote when it doesn't matter.
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Rachel Maddow on MSNBC did a roundup of all the protests at the capitals, as well as what Dem lawmakers are doing, suits that have been filed, federal employees pushing back, etc., on her show tonight.
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This was probably my favorite sign of the day!
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Thanks to the GOP KY lege, Beshear has to choose from a list of three candidates proposed by the party of the departing senator (well, as long as that senator is a Republican; I'm sure the moment that changes, the law will be changed, too). That was a recent law pushed by Mitch himself.
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As has been pointed out, GOP oversaw the worst national security (9/11), foreign policy (Iraq), disaster response (Katrina), economic (2008 crash) and public health (COVID) crises of our lifetimes. Voters would have to be absolutely nuts to repeatedly put that party back in power, right?
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Yeah, whatever happened to President Peacenik? I can't count how many times I've seen MAGA posters online prattle away about how Biden's a war monger and under Trump we didn't have wars (a lie; we were at war in Afghanistan every single day of Trump's term and lost 65 troops in those 4 years).
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Remember, Margaret Atwood has said in interviews that nothing in Handmaid's Tale is purely fictional. It's all been done somewhere in the real world. And we're certainly learning currently that "it can't happen here" is the real fiction.
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It would also be nice if the media focused as much on this as it has on the tariffs, which are important, too, but that was entirely predictable and it's a policy question. This is damn illegal stuff and most people, even Trumpers, did not vote for this.
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And shouldn't there be a GIGANTIC class-action lawsuit?? I didn't give Elon permission to access my data, let alone his unvetted team of teenage Musk-eteers.
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The farm didn't do well without his leadership and he lost a lot of money doing the right thing. Trump would call him a loser, I'm sure.
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We spent about $80M on multiple probes of Clinton & admin. and with the exception of Monica, which they stumbled on, and a minor thing with Secy. Pena, they found BUPKIS. It was a REAL witch hunt. Rather than follow crimes where evidence led, GOP targeted Clinton looking for crimes. Assbackwards.
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Except it's more like many-times Super Bowl champions playing a small-town Tiny Mite team. The non-Right is hugely outnumbered and outfunded in "partisan" media. There's no equivalent even on the moderate left to the Fox/OANN/Newsmax/Sinclair/hate radio +religious radio bloc. They're decades ahead.