Father, Writer, Catholic
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What is this from?
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I started writing in earnest during NaNoWrimo of 2019, finishing my first draft the following June.
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Presider Marcellio was the leader of the First Magisterial Assembly of Vera Prydd. He oversaw execution of the Hierprefect, razed the temples, codified the Immutable Laws. Like many of the early Magisters, he was executed for Superstition by the Second Assembly after the Randeri Affair
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Good King Niall was a king of Vera Prydd who did much to stabilize not only the realm of Vera Prydd but the whole of the Eastern Mark. He reformed the Warden System and organized the Hightowers along the Rosi Flats
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After the consolidation of the Hearthlands (shone here in its present state as the Blasted Lands) the Glaedian Emperors expanded beyond the mountains, and instituted the system of Realms and Marks, which has long survived the empire.
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I'd spend hours as a kid pouring over those sorts of books, just imagining the possibilities and politics hidden beneath the various points on the maps
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It wouldn't leave my head until I put pen to paper. It turned out that the boy was Petra, and the hooded figure a Magister named Cirrilo, one of the arcane rulers of Vera Prydd
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Finally I had an image of a boy with burns all over his body laying on a cot in some hovel. His parents watched as a robed figure used fire and smoking rabbit's blood to force new flesh to grow.
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Dark Sun's defiling magic system inspired my own. The world of Magisters is very different than Dark Sun and the magic has changed as well but that was the kernel of inspiration.
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I was a sophomore in college when I heard this quote, and the naive optimism in humanity's ability to reason its way to perfection, all the while the Reign of Terror was reaching its crescendo, stuck in my head.
Magisters' belief that society is perfected through the Immutable Laws reflects this
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(it will be shown by) "appeal to reason and fact that nature has set no term to the perfection of human faculties; that the perfectibility of man is truly indefinite; and that the progress of this perfectibility... has no other limit than the duration of the globe upon which nature has cast us."
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The Korean Catholic Church was extremely involved in the democracy movement in the '80s. Cardinal Kim Sou-hwan sheltered student protesters in Myeongdong Cathedral in Gwangju and told the government that if they tried to enter they would have to step over the bodies of the priests and nuns.
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True places of old magic. Love it
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On a scale of giant glowing tree to thing that looks a lot like a space ship, what kind of monuments did the gods leave behind?
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Love it!
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schrodinger's gods?
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This is one of the issues with post original sequel Star Wars, IMHO, they answered too many questions that didn't need to be answered and in a way that didn't feel authentic
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One of the authors I really enjoy, Christopher Rocciou of the Sun Eater series talks a lot about holding back some answers, and shrouding the past in mystery
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One of the things I've learned this year is that it's a mark of a disciplined author to know what secrets to reveal and what to keep hidden.
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Thank you!
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As for Rothfuss, his magic doesn't come across as hard as Sanderson, but it's still very alchemical, thermal dynamics is magic stuff.
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So you carry a willow shoot to catch the attention of a dryad, or break off a statue's hand to force the spirit to act for you, or use a lock of hair to bind someone. Your actions are trying to establish a relationship between two beings.
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You're trying to enter an agreement with, get the attention of, or manipulate some other thing. It's not necessarily a person, but there's some personality behind it, even if it's "nature" or "the force"
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The primary system in my world is hard, though that's me writing out a critique of modern fantasy. Much of what we have today in the genre is alternate physics rather than magic proper.
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There is something soft magic running in the background that intersects with the hard system. Part of what I'm figuring out is what does it look like to have two things running together like that
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So I wrote a world where intellectuals think they've figured out the spooky science of the arcane, can better society through the application of their arcane laws and all they need is blood!
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Magic should be relational, metaphorical and fraught with danger for mere mortals.