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I don't even know. Online games I play: FFXIV, Warframe, Elite: Dangerous, and sometimes WoW. Bots get blocked.
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The overlap in the Venn Diagram between those who accused Colin Kaepernick of disrespecting veterans and those who voted for the people who cut funding for the VA and veterans services inlcuding the the suicide hotline is diabolical #colinkeapernick

懐かしのミンフィリアです。 ピカチュウは絶対どこかで使いたくて、でもこの重荷を背負えるキャラがいるのか?と思ってたけどいました。というか彼女しかいない。 ギラバニアには電気タイプが多く生息しており、アシリアもその昔ピチューを連れ父と共にウルダハに逃げ延びて来ました。 採掘師時代に鉱山でピッピと出会い、異能に目覚め出す17歳の頃、満月の夜に突如ピクシーに進化。超える力の正体と関係がありそう。月の意思? あの祝賀会の後、2匹はエンシェントテレポには巻き込まれず。 その後ピカチュウはミンフィリアを失い、仲間を護るために自身も戦う事を決め、ピクシーはフ・ラミンの側で彼女を支える事となりました。

#wolqotd If you're WoL/OC were a Pokemon trainer, what would their starter Pokemon be? Not limiting it to just the choices at the beginning of the games.

Weekend trip to the Sanguineous Rim and caught this ELW on the way back in. It had the nice bonus of a landable moon. Pretty sure there were a handful of bio signals in the system, too, if anyone passing by wants to get them. #EliteDangerous

Lonely Star Got this screenshot the other day when grabbing a few systems for the community goal. Probably could have gone further "up" with my AspX or a Mandalay but I just really love the aesthetic of the Type 8. #EliteDangerous

Ghost Rider #Marvel


Ten-sided dice guaranteed to make your Storyteller hate you. #vampirethemasquerade #worldofdarkness

Age has really mellowed Carrie Underwood. She used to demolish the cars of unfaithful men with baseball bats and now she sings at their inaugurations.

Simple screenshot for the holidays. #ffxivscreenshot #gpose

Happy holidays!! Don't forget to treat yourself well ❤️


Bottled Sharks 🦈 #art #sharks

#booksky #bookcomics

#EliteDangerous Titan Cocijo finally exploded. Kinda wish I'd gotten into AX combat sooner but the hoops to some of the Engineering killed most of my excitement for it all.

shooting stars 💫

FBI is reportedly monitoring anyone who says 'bad' things about Donald Trump. So don't RP this and get them working all Christmas.

Every conservative columnist right now.

A twist to throw into a #WorldofDarkness story inspired by one of the most hated books ever made for the setting, Dirty Secrets. What if the Messengers were the parasite and Hunters the infected. Hunting monsters not for the danger they pose to humanity but to the spread of the parasite. (1/?)

#vampirethemasquerade campaign idea. A sitcom. A full party of ghouls, preferably not all serving the same vampire. The vampires are comically, over the top pompous and pretentious to the point that they never actually get anything done so their ghouls actually run the whole show. #vtm #WoD

#vampirethemasquerade #worldofdarkness

A new dungeon was discovered. Fearing that monsters and mayhem may come out of it the locals ask the party for help. If the party deciphers the writing at the entrance they'll find most of the sign has worn away from the passage of time but one sentence is complete. "This is no place of honor."