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Someone wanna educate this man on the document he has supposedly sworn to uphold?

Fuck your suit, and if not wearing one bothers you that much fuck you too. A good majority of the most evil, vile, and destructive things in history were (and still are) perpetrated by some dipshit in a suit.


I'm all for solidarity and a show of force, but this economic blackout ain't it. If it just means you're going to buy stuff from the same place the days before or after, they won't care. That's like saying I boycott my mortgage company 29 days every month.

Oh my god...they're just doing Elon's "Twitter is nothing but bots" in real life

I want to hang a big sign on a highway overpass that just says "MIKE, I KNOW ABOUT HER!" and see how many dudes I can freak out on their way home


Sane, normal people: We want healthcare, fair wages, and to respect that those different from us exist and deserve the same rights as everyone else. Them: WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING TO TAKE EVERYTHING FROM US AND PUSH US TOWARDS CIVIL WAR?!?!? ...but yeah, both sides and all

This is the only reason I'm jealous I don't live in one of these Republican hell holes. I would love to go boo my congressman, but he's actually not bad.

Please watch the videos of Elon at CPAC last night and give me any reason someone would look up to, admire, or think that this man is some genius who will save us all. He's a fucking loser.

This goes against the very foundation of this country. I'm sure all those true patriots will be speaking up any moment not to condemn this. Aaaannnnnnnnny minute now...

When someone speaks like this, there are two options: 1.) They know better, and are lying 2.) They don't know better, and are stupid "Trickle down economics" is a grift, whether it's billionaires or the government

Right now we're living in a world where some of us used the zoo, liked the zoo, and are upset that it's now gone... Others found out the zoo existed 3 months ago and are super excited that those free loading animals finally got what was coming to them. They also think that it will end with the zoo.

Where all my free speech defenders at?!?

Just because you fire a bunch of people doesn't make the work go away. It just makes it harder on those left. Soon, those people will get burned out as well. Also, pretty sure that's their point.

Don't you worry your pretty little mind People throw rocks at things that shine

CNN continuing to allow Scott Jennings on their airwaves is fucking embarrassing

Even if you take away the sexism, racism, selfishness, lack of accountability, and all of the thousands of other parts of his personality that make him severely unqualified to even lead a hot dog cart...this dude is just such a whiny little BITCH

So we can shut up now with the "league wants the Chiefs to win" nonsense right? Also the halftime show was fine, with moments of greatness in it. It wasn't as bad as you babies are making it out to be. Not everything is made for your tastes.


Needed this so much right now. I just called out the fact that Kendrick Lamar carried that red, white, and blue theme through. He owned it! My fam knew what that meant. THEY don’t want us here, but they do not own the flag. “Not Like Us”

Vic Fangio for Super Bowl MVP

Did you know that BTS was not a group? It's actually one man and an elaborate series of mirrors.

Top notch work here people. So glad we let these assholes take the controls of the country.

The only thing Elon is actually good at is getting stupid people to give him money

Because they're spineless. People who voted for them put weak, ineffective, scared losers into positions of power and this is what we get.

DEI is just the boogeyman mediocre white dudes use to try and make themselves feel better

By a show of hands, how many of you voted for Elon and his cronies? Didn't think so.

The only real problem about not having more opposing voices on this platform is that I can't call Jesse Waters a pathetic weak spineless little man directly

Notice how the first thing they're all required to do is praise Dear Leader. Before they get to the tragic deaths of 67 people, they have to kiss that scumbag's ass. JD never actually mentions the victims at all. If this doesn't tell you what their priorities are, I don't know what does.

This president is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to have him as an elected official in my country.

These are not men to admire or look up to. These are not strong men. These are weak, small, pathetic "men." It's on all of us to be better, even when it's the hard thing to do.

"BuT hOw ArE wE gOnNa PaY fOr It?" Putting aside the human atrocity part of it of course...

There are currently multiple commercials running with Gronk and Edelman, as well as cast members from The Office. This once again proves the world truly did end in 2012.

Can someone give me a list of which amendments are so sacred we can't touch them in any way even 200 years later, and which ones can be changed on the whims of a madman?

I'm sure this is just a coincidence

I think all betting apps should partner with a dozen or so charities each. When you sign up for an account, you pick a charity and 10% of all your winnings go to them. If we're going to push people into crippling gambling addictions, we should at least try to help someone along the way.

In the interest of fairness, I'm on board with this idea. Round everything to 5's and 0's. Canada pulled it off.

Opinion | As a Republican senator, I know America would suffer if I lost my job to a right-wing zealot. That's why, to hold onto my seat, I'm voting exactly the same way that they would.

I don't know about you, but I am not going to take advice about what's "manly" and what isn't from Jesse Waters

Go and listen to or read what she said. Now think of how fundamentally broken inside you have to be to have this reaction to that message. Pathetic.

"They're only doing ___________ to distract you from _________." Motherfucker we have enough resources to focus on more than one thing. There's millions of us. Some of y'all take on X while a few of us handle Y. There will still be some available to worry about Z, and Q, and Pi, and... Don't quit.