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no it's not
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you can't escape here
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I go with the evidence, not your incessant finger-wagging
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the evidence shows otherwise
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I just showed you that it did
The surgeon Erwin Gohrbandt who did the first trans surgery in Weimar Germany at later worked on human experiments in Dachau as a Nazi Surgeon
Can you respond to this report from Nazi Germany in 1940 about a MtF trans surgery recipient allowed to adopt a child?
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What I said is true
Gynecologist at Hirschfeld Institute Ludwig Lenz says Nazis burned records because Nazis were gay & trans &got treatment at the clinic&wanted to hide this fact
Hitler allowed trans gender surgery patients M-F to get these surgeries & adopt children in Nazi Germany even in 1940
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Katyn was a Nazi crime
USSR was not a 'belligerent party' in Poland & as such was not legally a party to an invasion
Precisely because the Polish state ceased to exist by this time under international law
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Nazis did Katyn
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Lenin did not order the Tsar to be shot.. that was a local decision
Modern faminology & scholarship reveals that the famine could not have been intentional or a genocide, even Conquest & Kotkin had to retract these claims
Katyn was a Nazi crime
Molotov-Ribbentrop was not an alliance
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I go with the primary sources & available evidence that shows the evidence couldn't have happened in spring 1940, not your incessant authority jibber
Furr shows that a great majority of historians leave out evidence (bias through omission) & Gorbachev is proven incorrect
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Right, Nazis also 'investigated' themselves through the Amtliches material, but you also seem to ingest it yourself
You haven't actually demonstrated those documents were planted by the NKVD
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Nazis did Katyn, there's no doubt about that
Can you explain how the massacres could have happened if there were documents from POW's in 1941?
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Nazis did Katyn
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Spheres of influence do not mean 'dividing up'
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Non-aggression is not collaboration
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Nazis did that, not the Russians
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Delineating spheres of influence is not 'carving up', it is telling Nazis directly they can not have diplomatic or direct influence in these areas
Which is why Hitler was attempting to establish independent states in Polish Ukraine & elsewhere, albeit in the Soviet sphere of inlfuence
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it did, actually
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Hitler was a gay man