Creating a hub for learning and promoting skepticism by taking a deep dive into old norse tales and mythology and seeing how they stack up against modern religious arguments.
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Could you imagine a Line-con at the old InfoWars studio?! That would be quite the sight.
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If they're lies, you need to prove it. I'm waiting.
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What do you think the word scripture means? How do you know you're not being deceived by satan? All of these questions directly applicable to your god. Do better.
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You don't get to assume they're lies just because you haven't read it. I think that's your problem with a lot of things. You really should read more. If you assume I'm lying, you need to prove it.
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Don't you claim to also have had personal revelation?
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Stop running like a scared child and answer my question. The scriptures tell us how Odin and his brothers created everything. You can go read for yourself. Now prove they don't exist like you say. If you're too scared or don't know how, just say so.
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I already beat you to that one. Try again. My gods even revealed to me that your god is a liar. Why don't you stop lying like your weak god and try again to prove my gods are fake?
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That's not just claims. Anecdotal evidence is still evidence. Now back up your claim when you said they're fake. You've got a lot of work to do. There are hundreds. I'm waiting...
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You keep saying I haven't given you proof but you know I have several times. That, by definition, is lying. I'll tell you again so I can screenshot this for the next time you lie. I have faith in the divinity of the scriptures and personal revelation from Odin. Now prove they're fake like you say.
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You really are a liar. Doesn't god send Liars to hell? Now you made a claim again that you can't back up. You said my gods were fake and now you need to prove it. Prove every single God in the norse pantheon is fake. You don't even know how many there are. You keep going in circles. What a troll...
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Don't lie. You'll make your Jesus cry. You never answered to question.
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Because I've answered it several times. Go back through our conversation if you need a recap. I'm not allowing you to deflect and run away back to your scripted talking points. Now, how can you tell which of us is right? What method do you use? We can't both be right and our proof is identical.
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That's a weird way to say you're too scared to answer my question. For the 1,000th time, if you want "proof" go back through the comments. I swear all you do is copy and paste. You don't have an honest bone in your body.
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Why do you keep insisting I haven't given you proof? Are you intentionally lying or just forgetful?
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Look at that. A perfect example of your poor reading comprehension. If you want the proof, go back and read. Just answer the question already. How can you tell which, if either of us is right? If you can't, just say so.
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You're over here too busy liking your own posts instead of answering the questions you're asked. If either of us have reading comprehension issues, it's been clearly demonstrated to everyone here that it's you. Be a big boy and answer the question. You know you can't so you shouldn't make the claim.
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Tell me, at which part do you think you destroyed our "god delusion"?
I say "our" because I have made literally the exact same arguments as you. So, please tell me. Because if it applied to the theology I proposed, it would apply directly to yours as well.
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Congrats on your delusion then I guess. By your own definition and admission. You don't see that every day. You are incapable of learning.
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If the proof for my gods is applicable to your god then its not very good proof and that means we're at a stalemate. You cant say its proof for your god after calling it delusional. You cant dismiss it based on scripture if i have scripture too. So now how do we find out which of us is right?
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Re-read the comments. I've given you plenty of proof. Now back up your claim that they don't exist.
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Also, Dingleberry Finn, even if you could somehow magically prove the norse pantheon doesn't exist, that doesn't prove anything about your god in the slightest.
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I've already given you proof of my gods. You just said they don't exist. Now you need to back up that assertion. Prove to me right now that all of them don't exist. You don't even know how many there are. Your tongue caused you a lot of work...
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Look at the trees and the mountains. Look all around you. The proof of our gods is all around us in nature. The fact that you're breathing is proof of our gods. You can't deny that. Or you could try and demonstrate how we can tell which of us is wrong...
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She's really telling on everyone, isn't she? Absolutely chilling.
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What do you mean it should be? I've already gone over it multiple times with you. It's not my fault you can't focus. Fortunately, everyone else sees it. I've got a sneaking suspension you've tried calling the show in the past and had been banned. Arguing like this, i wouldn't be surprised.
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Look dude, we can both quote scripture all day but that doesn't prove either of us to be correct. Your proof and my proof are identical. Now answer the question. How do we tell which of us is correct? We can both be wrong but we can't both be correct.
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Why are we back tracking? Are you having too many conversations to keep track? If you want me to go over the proof again, go back and read the previous comments. The question you're still cowering away from still stands. How do we know which of us is correct if any at all? Please answer.
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Normally I would ask how you came to that conclusion because all the previous reasons can be applied directly to your religion and book. So I'll just ASK AGAIN... How can we tell if either of us is correct?
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Lmao do you think the books in the Bible were written in English? What an IDIOT! I even told you there are translations. Just like your Bible. Now answer my question. How do we tell if either of us is right? You're still running. You look scared.
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You haven't answered the question. If you think you've answered it then you really are an idiot. If you want to read the scriptures, do like anyone else and go pick up the books. They even sell translations so people like you can read it. Now, how do we tell who is right if either of us are right?
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Don't embarrass yourself any more than you have to. We have books. And unlike you, we have originals and we can read the language it was written in. Now answer my question, clown. How do we tell if either of us is right? You keep running, I'll keel asking.
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Go read them for yourself, clown. The fact that you think I can just give you the books over this thread is a joke. Now answer my question and stop running like the dishonest coward you are. I'll call you out on it every time. How do we tell which of us is right if either of us?
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My books say things too. Now how do we tell who is right if either of us? Answer my question and stop running.
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I'm not your brother, I'm your teacher and I'm taking your ass to school. Your last two comments could be applied directly to you biblical theology. The only question now is: How do we tell which, if either of us, is right?
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Spoken like a typical atheist fool... next time you try to have a conversation where you insist they answer your ridiculous biblical creation question, you should expect nothing less than this answer. You're a lying coward that keeps running from the question.
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I've explained them several times to you now. Before you ask me another question, go back and read through our thread and make sure it wasn't already answered since you cant pay attention.
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How many times should I tell you? PAY ATTENTION! Odin and his brothers, Vili and Vé, slew the giant Ymir and formed the earth from his corpse. They shaped two pieces of driftwood in their form, clothed them and breathed life into them, creating the first man and woman. Ask and Emble. True or false?
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How many times do I need to illustrate it for you? Are you so incapable of reading? Also, how can you decide you have the one true religion if you haven't explored the others? Is norse creation true or false? Stop running.
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I already answered your question. Can you repeat it back to me? Why do you keep calling me an atheist? That's been addressed multiple times now. Are you really so dishonest and stupid? I already know the answer. Now stop running from my question. Is norse creation true or false?
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I think you're confused and replied to the wrong person. I haven't made any proclamations on evolution. Are we going to have to deal with ANOTHER illiterate Christian? Also, good job demonstrating that you have no idea what the Dunning-Kruger effect is.
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If I believe in God's, then by definition I'm not am atheist, right? You haven't exposed or dismissed anything. The fake Christian troll can't refute the obvious superiority of the norse pantheon. Your Jesus wheeps and Thor laughs. Happy Tyr's day, fake Christian.
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Why would you ask be about science when I told you man was created by Odin and his brothers? Is that statement true or false?
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You can pretend people get "triggered" by your memes like you're some child. Truth is, I haven't read a single one. The fake Christian coward can't defend his god.