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Wickedly curious about everything. Want to chat would love to learn and engage
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Tomorrow we lose an hour with daylight savings. I’d rather spend it than save it please.

Happy International Women’s Day!!! Everyone should join in a celebration of women. We keep the world moving forward. Remember behind every great man is a GREATER women! Raise your voice ladies do not let anyone-man, women child, or even yourself hold you back!

Breathe. Hold. Release. Repeat. we are strong and will survive.

Now this is breakfast food! Burst of sugary energy first thing in the morning bing, bang, zoom, off to the moon

Ok I am confused. Mike Johnson keeps saying the Democrats are not united and have no message. To me it seems the only message the Republicans have is either the Democrats have no message or the potential shutdown would be the fault of the Democrats. Remind me who controls the Federal government.

How do we know it’s windy - you can’t see it. HMM

Love my Peeps. If you are a marshmallow person try a toasted Peep. If you toast them over a fire the outside sugar caramelizes. Very very tasty. Don’t put them in the microwave they explode! Hard to clean

Why is it the question or maybe the answer

How do you know when the question you are asking is over the line that’s drawn in sand? What sand and where is it

DOGE = Department of Government Eradication


At 57 I’d say I’ve forgotten more over my lifetime than I currently have sitting in my brain now. The only problem is I have no idea what I forgot compared to what I remember. I guess it does not really matter, cause if it was really important someone would have reminded me


Tomorrow we are officially 3 months into 2025. Can’t believe it. Every year days themselves seem to drag but weeks and months fly by. If I could only learn to stop, slow down, and look and enjoy each day. Time is going to keep moving-take time to enjoy

As I was told once by someone far smarter than myself, (my husband) if you are against DEI what exactly are against: diversity or equity or perhaps inclusion?? Like so much today it’s ok as long as it lands in someone else’s doorstep, JUST NOT YOURS

If you could hear someone’s thoughts who would it be? Would you be brave enough to let you partner hear your thoughts unfiltered? Would you want to hear theirs? I’m not sure.

I need to break up with my phone and its texts. Everyone’s it dings I jump to grab it. Pavlov’s phone syndrome

In a situation where you feel darkness looming overhead, do you run for cover or face it head on? How strong a stance do I have

So would Bad Santa leave Bad Candy???

5 hours and 31minutes it will be Sunday & I really think Sunday should be the day for all meals we eat Sundaes. Ice cream, toppings sauces, waffle cone bowls. I down for it.

Sarcasm is my love language. Those who get it are my kind of people. Sprinkle here there and everywhere. Those whi don’t get it oh well

They say that we control our own happiness. My problem is I’ve lost complete control. Now what??

Now we know that in order to keep a secret only 1 person can know it. My question is who else thinks as a society we have“ social secrets” The unspoken truths…what happens if we spoke them out loud? After all aren’t we told the truth will set us free?! HMMMM

Actions may change the course but first we have to be able to talk to each other. By talk I mean actually converse not shouting and just close ourselves off from others POV just cause it conflict with ours. Let’s all pretend we are on the debate team. Who knows we could learn something

I’ve noticed lately I’ve become more thoughtful & introspective. Not sure if it’s good or bad but definitely interesting. I don’t have answers to any of the big or even little questions of life. BUT I do know I/We need to keep asking questions. Take in all opinions and do your own evaluation-PLEASE

So I hear they want to get rid of the penny. I get it’s not used for very much but the bigger question is ….. What happens to the trays at cash registers where it says. Have a penny leave a penny, need a penny take a penny. Are they antiques now?

Social media is the never ending conversation. No way to escape. Every time you come back it’s staring you in face and then inevitably you see a comment or response and again you right back in it. Be social is a great concept. The reality not so much

I really need to have another childhood. Imagine going back to relive all time that was wasted by wanting to be grown up. Next time some one says you will understand when you’re older. Screw that I’d rather be ignorant and happy! Being an adult isn’t all it was made out to be. At least in my book

Now this question has no th er me for 50 years and even longer if we count previous incarnations. How do you a PB&J correctly? Is it jelly on top or peanut butter?? I need to know this!!! HELP!!

Thoughts Questions Do you need to have a question first or is it the thought that creates the question ….