Way left, anti authoritarian
Here for the link...mostly...
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That’s a logical argument and, while true, has little real world purchase as the contingent application of law is still governed by the powerful. A lawless government may invite lawlessness but it doesn’t stop them from disproportionately applying their arbitrary violent power as they please.
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“The reason I ignorantly participated in the nascent movement that led to our current state of affairs is because my political interlocutors over used a word” is a helluva an ego defense. Anything but introspection for the very powerful that paved the road for Trump to walk upon.
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We were never going to be rescued by the people who most benefited from the system that created them and this mess. The fact that our best hope for mitigating this disaster was the good graces of our most voracious consumers and hoarders of our natural goods is the psychosis of our times.
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The internet manosphere created a culture that would be foreign to America men of the 80s——so to pretend like progressives have to accept this reality and cater to it as some sort of “state of nature” instead of the product of years of steady reactionary male cultural propaganda is——telling.
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Love you for posting this and sharing the PFin. August is Falling!
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He is an imperialist who believes in expansion and wants to change the USA the way he "changed" Manhattan and wants to add territory. He is also a horrific racist and would prefer that state be mostly white.
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Has this Lady Gaga video ever not been about a Target?
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The 1951 version remains my favorite---but this is a far second for how powerfully he plays this ghost.