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We the unwilling led by the unqualified doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful
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What checks? I never got one. Why should I care? The system is set up to fail….so why bother depending on it. You’re stupid if you do.
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He hates that fuchturd twice as much? Yessssss
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Climate change is very real. Humans have had a fucking ginormous effect on this earth. Just look down from a planes window in flight…. It’s all there to see. Yet the only answer is to rid the world of this pestilence. We are too many. Is that why liberals want war?
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Oh for fucks sake! Just go away you pathetic asshole.
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Notice to self. Enforcing laws is a deterrent to lawlessness.
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Especially from the left.
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I’ve spent my entire life, understanding that at the flick of a switch…..SS can be shut down, shut off, bankrupt, underfunded, redirected. Or just plan disappear. I’ve never planned on getting a penny from it. It’s was set up to fail. So…why should I care?
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And if they ignore the order, what is the judge going to do? Throw paperwork at him?
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Crowds? You need votes. That didn’t work out last time. Try to keep up.
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Orange man taking apart federal government. Those against him were/are on the take. They are showing themselves. And we are taking notes.
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No…. We are disassembling the fraud and waste machine that libturds have been running. Cry as you must. I understand your frustration. Because I’m do damn happy to see it all crushed.
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I heard Ukraine has a new Ski resort they are advertising. Interesting. Where did all the money come from to put together a ski resort next to a war zone? And who the fuck is going to go there?
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Ah.. most of those children killers were young liberals with a gender issue. And we shot most of them, if they didn’t first shoot themselves. You can call them what ever you want. We call them fucking trash. And will take that shit out and dispose of it.
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The guy that wants peace in this world….. is still fighting an endless battle against the war machine loved and supported by the libturds.
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Tit for tat. Go for it!
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Your ego is spilling out onto the table.
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Libturds…. Lol
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Ooooo I’ve been called a Coward. Such anguish. How old are you son?
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No Wuhan flu clot shot for them. Yet they had no documented deaths. Why is that?
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You made your choice. Let others make theirs. They can take their chances as they wish. I will not affect you. BTW, the Amish are completely devoid of most of this stuff. Yet they seem to escape what you fear. Why is that?
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Trump told everyone what he was witnessing. Canadian officials were acting like evil fucks. Not being truthful, and quite frankly, disrespecting this country. So….. he basically told them off. Called out their lies and hypocrisy. Then turned his back on them. Why bother….. they are being askholes.
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People just want honesty. Is that too much to ask? Tell me the percentages of adverse effects. Let me make my own decisions. Why is that so hard to grasp? Or maybe it’s the social engineering that you are stuck on……. Your way or the highway.
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That’s up to you, isn’t it.
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The vote was counted, and Trump took full control of the Feds. House, Senate, Executive. And a majority of the SCOTUS. Seems the libturds have no support. They lost. But now they want to riot, boycott, burn, and kill. It’s only making people less likely to support the libturd cause. Buy popcorn.
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When Jesse Ventura was GOV of Minnesota. He used to brag about “hunting man” We all would berate the turd, because that’s not how it works. You don’t hunt them. You just let them come to you. Why work so hard?
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And here we go.
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It’s time to declare all liberals as domestic terrorists. Arrest or shoot them on sight. Lock n load patriots. We got us a bunch of takers.
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Imagine pushing electric cars, to the point of mandating there use in the future. All while touting keeping the environment clean and pristine. Then turning face and burning those electric vehicles. With obvious environmental ramifications. All in anger. Bipolar issues? These people are mental.
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You go girl.
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Who’s counting?
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They are so used to getting away with everything.
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Badger crazy she is.
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I’m more partial towards organized crime. But I’m torn between private, or public sector.
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Antifa is basically the democrat socialist party. They want to crush Fascism. And capitalism. Tell me I’m wrong! So….if the free market system is supposed to be replaced by a socialist system. I’m full out against it. Wars are started this way. Antifa is thee enemy in disguise.
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They never listen.
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I doubt it.
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Antifa? Those people that come out to protest and break shit…. But always wear masks because they need to hide from society. In my opinion… and a majority of this country….You lost the election. Now you want to riot. In the spirit of J6. We will fight back. Harder than you want. Really fucking hard.