It's time for the entire retirement club to join that party especially if they want to insist that the integrity and honor that has been stolen is replaced now is the time for the retirement club to speak up and defend the executive branch all of them well except for the traitor
Bernie, AOC, Jasmine, Walz, Warren, Buttigieg, Al G, Frost
They could form quite the coalition, spanning all demographics and making the distinction between the top 1% and the bottom 99%. Fuck right and left. This is a CLASS WAR.
This is a great time and place for and to hold a town hall of epic proportions! We could march afterwards. Just saying…🤷♀️
Nope. We need to be done with Corporate Dems. They helped get us into this. Yeah, he had charisma but he was also there for the banks over the little guy. We need a new fresh exciting leader who’s actually there for the people.
This rationale got us to where we are now. The Reason Kamala isn't the president right now is b/c of her "stance" on Gaza. All the protest votes and those who didn't even vote b/c of the left's self-righteousness have put us here. It was tongue and cheek b/c Trump will try for a 3rd term.
So all of the banking changes in favor of citizens during his term? The ACA? Digging us out of debt? Don’t rewrite history. He warned us as a PRIVATE citizens. Turn that ire on the Republicans you pay NOW to represent you.
Obama enacted Dodd Frank to stop banks from becoming “too big to fail.” These corporations bought the houses in bulk when that was rolled back by SCOTUS
Obama fought the Great Recession with an $831 billion economic stimulus package and added $858 billion through tax cuts. Even though the fiscal year 2009 budget was set by President Bush, Obama added to it with the Economic Stimulus Act in 2009.
The ACA funelled billions in taxpayer money to insurance companies, while costs continued to rise, care continued to be denied, and 10 of millions remained uninsured.
We got pre-existing conditions and Medicaid extension but only if we enriched corporations w/tax $ & further entrenched their power.
What party voted against ACA, then limited what it could do and still try to dismantle it. Not Obama, but that same party voted against student loan relief and for PPP relief. Focus on the now and the party ruining the country. Obama was perfect, but he was damn good. Not tolerating him taking blame
Obama's betayals created MAGA. 10 million families lost their homes. No bailout for main st only wall st. Admin stacked w/the bankers who caused the crash. No accountability for financial crimes, torture, etc. Drone wars and extrajudicial killing of US citizen. Banks got bigger and more powerful.
The housing market started crashing in 2007 under Bush, and the Obama administration inherited the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) from the Bush administration, which primarily bailed out banks. MAGA came more out of racial/racist tensions than financial concerns.
Obama existing, doing well and not having scandal is what bred MAGA. Go back to review how the public was also helped during the housing crisis. Many folks took balloon loans knowing they were not qualified. The banks preyed on our greed in thinking there was a short cut. Banking laws are worse now
What banking changes? Banks and Wall Street were bailed out while hardworking Americans lost their homes and jobs. Not saying Obama didn't do some good things and that he wasn't constantly thwarted by Republicans. But he did a lot to help his donors over middle class Americans.
I also recall the auto industry being bailed out, stimulus checks, huge credits for first time home buyers, farmers being bailed out. I was a Realtor at the time and sub prime loans were why houses were lost. Yes, the banks preyed, but as consumers WE take financial risks to make corporations rich
No,no NO.
I wouldn't put that man on a podium in a country run by the man who is allowing service records of brown people to be destroyed and others imprisoned in foreign cuntries.
It is time for ALL past presidents who got very wealthy off of the US citizens to repay by defending democracy instead of painting, going to basketball games etc! What a disappointment.
Why? Trump is proving these dem MF could have done everything they told us they would do. They were and are lying. They won't do shite because their in on it! They won't even investigate the fact that this election was rigged or that Orangealini is a Russian asset. THEY DONT CARE!
Honestly, I’m all for the large crowds but, remember, Kamala, Tim and Obama had huge crowds before (bigger than Trump) yet America still ended up with an Orange Turd as President (and worse, now backed up by tossers like Musk). It needs more than big crowds: it needs total voter commitment.
I do enjoy what he does. I always learn something new. Which people could see if only not every single post quote skeet and reply I ever make wasn't covered up by a spam thing which deters people from opening up and looking at what lenin mao Stalin marx had to say or me.
Its unlikely a neo liberal will do this ! Its time to support avg everyday people politicians and bribery in politics ! We are getting low minority and far between in the Democratic party !
I Hope Bernie and AOC Are Including In Their Rallies, Calls To:
-Get People To Register To Vote!
-Get People To Help People Register To Vote!
- Get People To Monitor Their Voting Status!
- Get People To Help People Monitor Their Voting Status!
- Get People To VOTE!
- Get People To Help People VOTE!
Progressive argument not let Biden in fight is ageism.Biden is a part of the past.A GOOD part of the past. Y not highlight good aspects of past while MAGA is displaying, enforcing bad parts of the past.The Clinton’s, the Obama’s,Carville, Stacy Abrams,Nancy Pelosi. Dems win w/o attacking each other
U get them all together- Obama, Clinton, bush, biden, with Bernie, AOC, jasmine, and we can take back this Govt. It will be unprecedented- but it’s what the people want.
No! Stop calling on the Obama’s to save ur asses! People didn’t listen 2 them during the election cycle they don’t get to call on them now to fix the fuck ups they warned every1 about! AOC & Bernie great, can we not go back to 2016! We r supposed 2 progress 4ward but keep going back 2 the white man.
Not gonna happen
Obama & Biden tried to bury Sanders & his progressive/socialist platform he copied from Eisenhower’s ‘56 campaign
DJT/#Krasnov is the best fundraiser the DNC ever had & they’re making bank
Mainstream Dems are little more than private equity’s political hedge fund 💙🇺🇦🇨🇦🇲🇽💙
If you're talking about 2024, 64% of the electorate voted. That's the second largest turnout since 1900. If that's up there in US turnout, why is the turnout not higher like in other democracies? As for Obama, what does he have to do with this?
It would be a disaster. He’s not even close to being as progressive as Bernie and AOC. He’s an old-guard Democrat along the lines of Pelosi, etc. He was right for the times he served. Those times are passed and aren’t coming back. Let’s stop looking in the rear-view mirror for someone to lead us.
I'm not looking for a leader in him. I'm looking for numbers to gather for the coming revolution. Trump is scared of large gatherings. He will act upon them. This has to happen to move forward.
This makes me so angry. Obama was a great President, but I am over him. You don’t chat up the man you called an existential threat to Democracy on the campaign trail.
Funny how even still his policies were some of the most progressive in our history. Implemented so well, they have tried over 80 times to remove ACA and they can’t
I’m not trying to be shitty, I’m just saying that Obama represents the exact step backwards that guys like Schumer want to see. He’s not some ideological progressive and never has been.
It's not their problem. It's the people's problem. And if the people don't care enough to actually protest then hey, make sure you have a good likeness for your id "papers".
I guess it’s great to go to a rally and hear two politicians demean the fat rapist, but tell me what good it is doing? It’s just words and it gives people a sense that something is being done to stop fascism. That’s not the case at all, in my opinion.
They came out with truthful warnings during the election and the country did not listen. They are private citizens just like you, what have you done to give you the position to dare call them cowards?
I actually don’t want to see the Obamas. I love them, but relying on them doesn’t signal confidence that we can identify future leadership. We need new grassroots opposition.
no the Black community absolutely must get on board. All of our communities, Black, Asian, Hispanic, LGBTQ, have hidden star talent and we need to let it emerge from our working class
As a YT woman, I’m sure as hell not going to lecture the Black community on what they “must” do after voters turned their back on them when they invited us to support a qualified candidate who would uphold democracy.
At some point, we’ll all join the fight, but I get why many are biding their time.
I understand where you’re coming from. As a black-white mixed woman I think we’ve reached a point where, if people don’t vote bc they don’t like the system, then they need to get involved and rep the change they want to see. Nothing changes by ppl la-dee-dahing.
In fact we need better education on political history (which we’re obvs not getting under Republicans), and a system that requires voting age citizens to vote.
Good point. If there ever was a time for Obama to get off the sidelines and join the resistance, it would be this very moment, in service of salvaging the country he once represented so well. Every month he waits brings us closer to "Too Late".
He came off the sidelines with his wife during election. Talk to the 90 who didn’t vote or the ones who couldn’t vote for a black woman over a convicted felon.
You have got to be kidding? Obama? What next a rousing chorus of Kumbaya while he suggests we don't punish Oligarchs because it's time we all come together and hold hands?
Give me a break....this whole fucking mess began with Obama's knuckling his forehead to the Oligarch criminals of 2008...
Just to be clear, I loved President Obama and his Family and I always will.
When I say he owes them, I'm referring to Pres.Obama who was forced by the DNC to ask Senator Sanders to renounce the candidacy for H. Clinton, but that didn't work,If you'd like know more check my post.
No dialectics.
And! He is crushing it as well. Loving watching these fresh leaders that give a shit about America and all of us who live here rise up. The #revolution won’t be televised.
GTFO Bernie is White AOC is Spanish both of their Nationalities fked this up let them help fix it #LEAVEUSTFALONE 🫖☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️ 😴😴😴🥳🥳🥳😴😴😴😴😴😴 None of us are coming , we good over here
I miss president Obama and Michelle, but I think their presence hurt the last election more than helped. For some reason tRump and Musky are the “good” rich people and the Obamas, Beyoncé, and Taylor Swift are the “bad” rich people.
I don’t believe that will, or should, happen. Aoc and Bernie doing this, feels like they are operating outside of the Democratic Party - like a “true” labor party.
If Obama and other large Dem figures join, it will just be re-absorbed by the Dems.
Thought for today: If he chose, Obama could occupy any position in a future Democratic administration except President / V.P. Maybe secretary of state?
Agree he may be a that but we are barely dealing with another type of criminal currently in the WH.
Measures need to be taken people need to step up. Who better to speak to those ‘old school R’s’ than Liz’s daddy? We need all hands on deck.
How about somebody new & young [& apparently a straight white male based on past elections] join them? Obama can't run again, Bernie,tho we love him, is too old & AOC, amazing, but is still a woman of color & we've seen how that went.
I have to agree. The US appears to think women should never be president regardless of color. Bernie is too old but a great guy. Obama can't run. So a straight young white male could work. But we need a candidate now so we can start campaigning in ernest. Do you guys see anyone on the horizon.
Black folks have done enough of the work over the past 10 years. Everybody's asking where Kamala Harris and Barack Obama are as if they haven't been warning people this entire time. Enough.
We need more white women and young, rising grassroots politicians to stand up now.
I love what Bernie and AOC are doing, but I hope Jasmine will become part of this, if not she and someone like Swalwell will start doing something similar. We have some Dems who are and will be both fighters and the future but we need them doing things like this more and more inspiring the public
He doesn’t have the position. Unless you are willing to go to work for a company you retired from, let him be at home doing exactly what you are doing as a fellow private citizen
The Obama's will be targeted by this Orange POS. The Bidens are going to be targeted, and the Clinton's will be targeted. If I were any of these people, I would want to protect my family and myself from any and all retribution. This regime would not be above trumpt up charges.
Trump is a threat●
I'm with you. We definitely need a reliable 3rd party. Tired of only a few Democrats fighting for us! The rest are cowards and useless! Republicans are just fucking spineless!
Clinton, Obama, Biden, Harris, they are all MIA! Their silence disgusts me. They're still receiving paychecks. Just because they lost their positions, they decided to hibernate??! They are STILL Americans right? Shouldn't they have stayed to fight side by side with us against the evils of MAGA?!
Busy signing up with CAA, entertainment agents to help them make their post government millions. Corporate Dems aren’t as bad as Repubs but they do love their money. Why step up when they can relax in their second or third home.
Dream on. Wealthy donors shit their pants that "lefty" AOC and Bernie are coming to take their money away. The DNC is rigged to block the left no matter how popular they are with voter. That's why party membership is at record lows.
And by “steady centrism” the neoliberal press means choosing the Heritage Foundation plan instead of the single payer he promised. Selling out main st while the bankers who crashed the economy got huge bonuses. Telling Flint their water is “fine.” Bombing more shepherds than 3 Rep presidents. Cages…
I think when you have one side that radically tries to return to the right by destroying everything that has benefited most of us for 90 years, you need to forget about incrementally fixing it.If your wealthy your fat and happy if you work you struggle.
Not asking him to run for office. We need large numbers to gather. I don't care what that looks like, it needs to happen. He will never be intimidated by small sporadic crowds gathered all over the country.
Yeah 35k people in Colorado. Small, sporadic. Overflow crowds everywhere they go. Small, sporadic. So we really need the king of the neoliberals to save them.
Yes...bring all of the energy!! Obama, Kamala, AOC, Bernie and Jasmine Crocket!! We all need fighters. The Old Guard and the New Guard standing for this country.
Obama?!? The guy who chose the Heritage Foundation plan instead of single payer he promised? Who refused to codify Roe? Who said Flint’s water “is fine”? Who got the bankers who crashed the economy big bonuses while millions lost their homes? Who built the cages and bombed more than anyone? Fuck him
I'd like to see all remaining president's show up and that would really be a statement. Maybe.. I think I have Saturday polotic overload. Goodnight... Going to sleep now.
All the Corporate Democrats are kicking back in their vacation homes living off the millions they got from book royalties. They aren’t going to save us. They definitely aren’t going to stand with Bernie or AOC.
Probably sitting at home saying “I told you so.” What else would you like them as private citizens, who came out hard during elections, to do? What did you do to protest the removal of their security clearance?
Was there a name I mentioned that you have a problem with, sorry they are still the leaders of the Democratic party. This is a direct attack on our Democracy, so yes, I expect them to join the fray. We all get to say " I told you so".
I love this, but I don't think we can ask any more of the Obamas. They survived so much adversity. I want to see them on a beach with their feet up! The pushback would be lighter if the face was white.
I just feel like black people have already done as much as we can. In order to go up against MAGA, it has to be a white male. They won't be able to dog whistle about intelligence, DEI, and ridiculous bullshit.
Don't forget to bring Kamala Harris in to this along with Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden since Trump recently revoked their secret service protections and security clearances in his petty revenge tour.
We need #AllHandsOnDeck for the #Revolution to #OverthrowTrump.
Obama helped bring us to where we are right now by prioritizing his legacy and wasting opportunities and propping up a declining empire. That you seem to think he’s some sort of savior figure is an impediment to anything getting better in this country.
The stats of what he accomplished during his term differ with your claims. We’re on the 3rd term since his. Place blame where it belongs-the Republican Party.
I agree. The people are hungry for the Progressive movement right now because they are the only ones truly fighting in my opinion. Some of the Old Guard Dems need to retire before it gets ugly for them by just kicking the problem down the road. #ChimPanion #BlueCrew #RainbowWarriors #Scouts
If anything, they would come out against Bernie or AOC. All of them including Obama will tell AOC supporters to hold their nose and vote for a "centrist".
That’s pure speculation. What’s fact is he did come out for Democrats, as did his wife, with fair and accurate warnings of the dangers. Hold your ELECTED current officials accountable. Did you say anything about his clearances being revoked? Current black Marines being removed for skin issues?
The Obamas did what they were supposed to do & so did Black folks
This Black man is not responsible for saving us
They blamed the black woman for losing & now the black not president is supposed to fix it
AND open themselves up to more attacks & risk their lives?
Thats an unfair ask
Where’s Dubya?
It just seems that we always expect women & men of color to clean up our largely white people messes. And would you put your family at risk with the reduced or revoked security protection? Admire Bernie and AOC for fighting to claw our nation back.
We ALL need to show up in our cities on April 5.
He was rich before election. He’s a constitutional attorney who was also a college professor. I don’t know why ever is suddenly anti Obama when he warned against this. I know not a single one of you better be using ACA though.
No. As much as I hate to say this: no. He gave it his all and deserves his retirement free from this nonsense. He got to see everything he ever worked for trampled and spit upon. We don't deserve Obama.
He spoke BEFORE the election. As did Michelle Obama, and Kamala, and Joe Biden. And the Clintons.
And they were ignored.
They can sit home and let people reap what they sowed when they voted 3rd party, voted for DT, left the line blank, or sat at home. They did their part.
They’re so used to us being the work horses without reward. Black women helped white women vote 40 years before we were given the privilege. With that head start, 57% still voted against their own interest. Demanding nothing of the white men in Congress as Republicans.
We need those crowds in Florida and Wisconsin. There are elections in 10 days. What are the leaders in the Democratic Party doing to win those elections? Not a fucking thing so far.
I’m not one of those that thinks Obama could (or even should) jump in & lead right now, but I’m truly starting to question the level of his silence. I do think this moment allows us to rethink “decorum.”
Who’s protecting him when he gets charged with inciting a riot, even when it is a peaceful protest? Why is no one wanting past Republican leaders to speak? What resistance did you present when his security clearances were revoked?
I love Obama, but I am afraid of his "if they go low, we go high" mindset will NOT work with this 'Crowd' of MAGAts, criminals & thugs. We need Spirit, Spine,Spunk, & Action, as demonstrates by her helping organize Nat'l Protests.
What is our desired outcome? Rebuilding the Democrat platform? Showing that the votes counted for 2024 don’t represent reality of the support demanding a recount? Driving a blue wave in 2026? Big crowds are awesome but to what end?
Most of the Dems are MIA. Don't count on them to get us out of this mess. This is going to be an uprising of "the people" to push the GOP into the sea.
Same people wanting now private citizens Obama & Harris to come out for them to feel better, have absolutely zero on their page denouncing Rump removing security clearances. If you’re not going to work at a job you retired from or who didn’t hire you, STOP asking them.
Canadian PM Carney has formed an alliance w/ the UK, France, Australia and the EU. Carney has filled the leadership void & is now the de facto leader of the US Opposition to Trump. The Canadian alliance has nukes. The Canadian flag is the symbol for the Opposition & a signal we will fight w/ them.
They could form quite the coalition, spanning all demographics and making the distinction between the top 1% and the bottom 99%. Fuck right and left. This is a CLASS WAR.
Haven’t seen him since him and Trump were tucking it up at Jimmy Carters funeral.
So how is that "digging us out of debt?"
And what happened to all those forclosed homes? He let private equity buy up most of it, depleting housing stock for sale to owner-occupiers.
Thx for pointing out another Obama failure that lead us to Trump.
I support stimulus, even if it does increase the debt.
But you can't just say braindead shit like he got us put of debt by borrowing more money.
We got pre-existing conditions and Medicaid extension but only if we enriched corporations w/tax $ & further entrenched their power.
These washed up neolibs are not up to it.
We can't win by only talking about how they are bad and not self-reflecting on our own decades of failure that brought us here.
As if Wall St didn't push for massive dereg under Clinton and Bush, and proceeded to committ massive fraud.
Wall St and the banks pushed to lower lending standards. Bush complied.
I wouldn't put that man on a podium in a country run by the man who is allowing service records of brown people to be destroyed and others imprisoned in foreign cuntries.
NOPE, nope.
The only grave being dug is one for democracy.
We need to focus on our future leaders. We need young, dynamic people to take the wheel.
I do enjoy what he does. I always learn something new. Which people could see if only not every single post quote skeet and reply I ever make wasn't covered up by a spam thing which deters people from opening up and looking at what lenin mao Stalin marx had to say or me.
-Get People To Register To Vote!
-Get People To Help People Register To Vote!
- Get People To Monitor Their Voting Status!
- Get People To Help People Monitor Their Voting Status!
- Get People To VOTE!
- Get People To Help People VOTE!
jump in any time folks. the water is fine.
Get Trump where it hurts, his EGO
Obama & Biden tried to bury Sanders & his progressive/socialist platform he copied from Eisenhower’s ‘56 campaign
DJT/#Krasnov is the best fundraiser the DNC ever had & they’re making bank
Mainstream Dems are little more than private equity’s political hedge fund 💙🇺🇦🇨🇦🇲🇽💙
Disgusting display of cowardice.
Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries. neolibs. they are part of the problem. not the solution.
At some point, we’ll all join the fight, but I get why many are biding their time.
Give me a break....this whole fucking mess began with Obama's knuckling his forehead to the Oligarch criminals of 2008...
When I say he owes them, I'm referring to Pres.Obama who was forced by the DNC to ask Senator Sanders to renounce the candidacy for H. Clinton, but that didn't work,If you'd like know more check my post.
No dialectics.
There are plenty of MAGAS who are devoted to him.
We KNOW he hates Trump.
He NEEDS to grow a pair!
If Obama and other large Dem figures join, it will just be re-absorbed by the Dems.
We need new blood.
Measures need to be taken people need to step up. Who better to speak to those ‘old school R’s’ than Liz’s daddy? We need all hands on deck.
These neo liberals had their chance. They are GOP Lite. Time for an actual Left that walks the walk.
The reason is that they are rich and don't have to care.
Everything the Trump regime does benefits their wallets.
They had time to resist before someone dies.
They chose not to.
They will only care when Trump tries to arrest them.
We need more white women and young, rising grassroots politicians to stand up now.
He's a centrist.
Trump is a threat●
Folks still didn’t show up on Election Day.
The liberal side understands that the economy and gov is not working for everyone. Just the rich and of course the politicians depending on the rich.
I still want Kamala in the Oval Office and Trump on Death Row.
Republican-light is not the way to win the people.
The People Lead.
The Politicians Read the Tea Leaves.
Every Movement was lead by the People.
Frederick Douglass. Harriet Tubman. Ida B. Susan B. Rosa. MLK. Fannie Lou. Helen Keller. Chavez. Fred Hampton. Mandela. Tutu. Gandhi. Milk. Baldwin.
Who got next?
Especially their use/non use of corporate sponsors.
Can't say it would help AOC/Bernie. People have had more than enough of corporate aligned Democrat party leaders.
We need #AllHandsOnDeck for the #Revolution to #OverthrowTrump.
It's us -vs- them and we got more people power.
We need to begin utilizing it.
:€ /
:€ )
This Black man is not responsible for saving us
They blamed the black woman for losing & now the black not president is supposed to fix it
AND open themselves up to more attacks & risk their lives?
Thats an unfair ask
Where’s Dubya?
We ALL need to show up in our cities on April 5.
And they were ignored.
They can sit home and let people reap what they sowed when they voted 3rd party, voted for DT, left the line blank, or sat at home. They did their part.
Wouldn’t it be cool, if one of the GIRLS (Sasha/Melia) were to rise up/out!
Let’s get some younger generation speaking up!
(Yes, I consider AOC young)
But seriously, it does NOT matter what “we” think/say,