Fantasy writer 🖋️ 📜
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Congratulations 🎉👏
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I struggle with the same thing. Two things that have helped me:
1) don't eat until you're done writing. Might just be a me problem, but I def lose all energy after my dinner.
2) don't allow any "relaxing" time after work, just jump right into writing while your mind is still in productive mode.
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Some may not qualify them as a dessert, but I will do just about anything for a well made caramel roll.
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Going through a similar struggle with my WIP. Sometimes I'll realize I've created a plot hole or something and I freeze up, thinking I botched everything. I've found writing down what needs to be fixed later on in a separate document helps a ton.
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Should I intentionally query with a terrible title? Is this good strategy? (Kidding, just to be clear)
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I respect anyone who has the ability to collaborate, but that sounds just miserable to me. Writing, to me, is so personal and individual. If I were to ever do it, they'd need to have an almost identical style and vision to even start considering it.
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I queried my first manuscript a couple of years ago and got rejected by all, not a single request for full. I looked at the letter recently and just couldn't believe I had the audacity to think it might land me an agent 😂
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Cowardice or greed? Or maybe they just go hand in hand with these things.
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This is the conversation I have with my wife every night lol.
"Get any good writing done today?"
"Well, not good writing, no..."
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Don't worry, it's easy. I only had to cut out pretty much all of my physical and mental health to make it happen 😭
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When you say "bloated", what does that tend to mean for you? How many words do you start with and what do you cut down to?
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It depends on how you rate your odds of getting picked up. If you're fairly confident your book will be picked up not only by an agent, but also a publisher, write the sequel. Otherwise you risk "wasting" time writing a sequel that will never sell. A safer bet is probably working on a new book.
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Perpetually wondering "huh. I wonder how they get out of this one."
Somehow they always do!
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Fantastic movie
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Consistency. Started a new job with hours that conflicted with my usual writing time. As such, I found it hard to write at a new time, for whatever reason. Hoping to get back to a more consistent schedule in 2025
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Nevermind, I decided to actually read the article. Sales are way up. Glad to hear it!
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Any idea what the stats are for bookstores that stayed open during that time? Genuinely asking. Because theoretically, there could be a bunch of independent stores opening, but then immediately closing due to a lack of sales.
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I've never been to a writers conference-- is this normal??? That seems absurd. Writers do not make enough to warrant that price tag 😭
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I'm a pantser, which means I sit down to write, get 50 words in, realize I don't know how to get out of the corner I wrote myself into, and then spend the next 24 hours thinking it through before writing again. Rinse and repeat until it's finished.
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With a big 5 publisher nonetheless! Congratulations, that is awesome.
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Some days I get home from my day job and really don't have the motivation to write. Instead, I'll play video games or veg on the couch. I always regret it the next morning, without fail. I've never once regretted "sucking it up" and forcing myself to write, even if I'm not thrilled in the moment
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Oh good, that document where I wrote "I am the worst writer in the world" Over and over again Jack Torrence style is finally paying off
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I'm not even remotely an expert but I would imagine that even if queries are open, they aren't actually looking at queries the day/ week/ even month they come in. If they were, wouldn't they send rejections right away (if they didn't ask for a full)? I'd guess they go through queries in big batches
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Spot on.
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I write fantasy, so when I'm trying to name a character, I just smash random buttons on my keyboard and then take whatever comes up.
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I remember the first time I watched it, the first thing I thought after was "This just might be the greatest Christmas movie of all time."
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Wow. Powerful.
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If my WIP so much as has a minor inconsistency, I get paralyzed and feel like I can't write anymore until it's resolved. To combat this, I basically do what you've suggested and open a second document where I just list out all the problems my WIP has. Once it's written down, the block is gone!
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Well said. I feel like I naturally balance myself out. Some days I love what I write and others I feel like an idiot. Obviously being overly critical is bad, but I do think we sometimes forget there is a healthy amount of criticism we should be giving ourselves.
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Could you clarify? Do you mean a word processor or a platform to post your writing?
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Wow, you and I are one in the same. I have tried hundreds of times to write at home and I just can't, it's like my brain refuses to get into the right headspace. The coffee shop is pretty much the only place I can be productive
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This is me when I get to the coffee shop 😭
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Personally, I love slower paced stories. I'm not sure it has anything to do with chapter length so much as it relates to how much time you give your characters a chance to breathe between the action. @robinhobb.bsky.social has always been the author I give as an example for excellent slow burn reads
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Hey some of us are just struggling for a following! I don't like this implication!
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"Whatever you're writing, finish it. Even if it goes off the rails in the middle, even if you're editing as you go and the beginning doesn't make sense.
Finish it."