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加藤祐子 BBC News Japan digital editor. Chuffed I was once called "a lovely weirdo". Theatre lover. 二代目吉右衛門さん贔屓。日舞名取。Will sometimes ramble about drama/film/theatre. My views my own. My other account mostly in Japanese:
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Prolific Poster

"Hegemonic suicide" is a new idea in the world, and I'd like to welcome it despite the unfortunate circumstances of its birth

Hegemonic suicide strategy


Former 🇺🇸 ambassador to Russia 👇🏽

He is doing more for British unity than More in Common.

Hostile lying to generate acrimony and division is the Trump administration’s policy towards NATO and Europe. It’s stupidly self-harming for America, but that’s what they want. Still, it’s worth noting that the only way JD Vance can claim they haven’t been valuable allies is lying. Blatantly lying.

Presumably, this government by Truth Social posts will define exactly what an “illegal protest” is, and that definition will not be so broad that it encroaches on free speech guarantees we’ve enjoyed for two centuries.

UK MPs condemn ‘deeply disrespectful’ JD Vance comments

As I keep reminding anybody who will listen. It took all of 37 days from the assassination of Franz Ferdinand to Germany troops crossing the borders of Luxembourg and Belgium. That's how long it takes for a world to fall apart. 37 days.

Did not expect to see the fate of the world to hang on which Trump wants most, Putin's friendship or the Nobel Peace Prize.

ドイツで群衆に車が突っ込む、2人死亡 西部マンハイム

岩手・大船渡で山林火災、3000人以上が避難 延焼続く

トランプ米大統領、メキシコとカナダへの25%関税を発動へ 株価にも影響

米国防長官、ロシアに対するサイバー作戦を停止 米報道

【解説】 アメリカのウクライナ支援、停止したら欧州はその穴を埋められるのか

【解説】 ゼレンスキー氏、手負いながらも断固として……離英直前に英記者団と

ゼレンスキー氏、戦争終結は「とても遠い」 トランプ氏は「最悪の発言」と非難

トランプ政権、ウクライナへの軍事援助を一時停止 米報道

Well, I will say that for me at least, ten years ago, even the slightest sliver of a possibility of war between USRUSSIA vs Europe was hardly conceivable

“The [aid pause] order affects more than $1 billion in arms and ammunition in the pipeline and on order. It resulted from a series of meetings at the White House on Monday between Mr. Trump and his senior national security aides”

Presumably this was the plan all along and the spat with Zelenskyy in the White House the premeditated excuse.

If Russia is allowed to overrun Ukraine, Ukraine will become another Gaza. Netanyahu has demonstrated that you can commit repeated atrocities and still receive the support of successive US presidents. I fear that Gaza will be the model for future occupations.

Tens of thousands of people are dead, multiple cities and towns have been almost completely destroyed, and millions of people are displaced. And JD Vance laughs and smiles with Hannity about the invasion like it’s a game.

“It’s gonna be Putin and President Trump” 🇷🇺

North Korea's Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of leader Kim Jong Un, criticized the Trump administration for stepping up ‘provocations’ and said it justified the nuclear state increasing its nuclear deterrent, state media KCNA said

Unconstitutional. Appropriations bills are laws. If the president is not bound by them, he can make laws by fiat and is acting like a dictator. No Democrat can vote for any appropriations or debt ceiling bill while this is happening.

Immigration lawyers cited Donald Trump’s return to power as one of the changes contributing to a surge in applications.

New from me: Republican Senators who support Ukraine continued to say the Ukraine-U.S. negotiations could be salvaged...then Trump pulled the rug out from under Ukraine and paused aid.

US suspends all military aid to Ukraine, reports say, in wake of Trump-Zelenskyy row

選択的夫婦別姓制度に反対する人がいつまでたってもなくならない理由はおそらくこれ、つまり他者に対する支配欲・権力欲だろう。 「DVの加害者となった男性3人の証言を紹介する。妻の改姓によって男性の意識がどう変わり、暴力につながったのかを追う。  「結婚した後、彼女が自分のものになったと思った。特権意識を持って接するようになった」」」」」 」

“The Trump administration has publicly and privately signaled that it does not believe Russia represents a cyber threat against US national security or critical infrastructure, marking a radical departure from longstanding intelligence assessments”

Looks like the Trump administration and the GOP is attempting a real-world test of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's prediction in his November 8, 1954 letter to his brother, Edwin.

An underrated part of this video is you can watch the Dow go down in real time in the bottom right

It's a lot to do with not knowing history, especially other countries' history and world history in general.

WATCH: “Churchill didn’t wear a suit @ the White House during WW2. And 🇬🇧 didn’t have elections from 1935-1945 for obvious reasons. But why bother with facts?” wrecks @brianglenntv’s attack on Zelenskyy’s clothes + Gabbard’s Kremlin talking point about 🇺🇦 elections.

I've really got to be grateful to Duolingo. After nearly two years doing Ukrainian there (like, one or two lessons a day🙄), I can at least pick out certain words or phrases I know when I listen to Zelensky speak.

え、なにこれ、来年も再来年も大河、見なきゃならないじゃない (安達奈緒子脚本で小栗上野介ときたら、私には必須じゃん。来年は仲野太賀さんだから)

ゼレンスキー氏、鉱物協定や停戦案について通訳介して回答 英記者団に囲まれ

スターマー英首相、ウクライナ和平への4項目を発表 米の重要性強調

スターマー英首相、「有志連合」でウクライナ和平を保証と表明 欧州首脳会合

スターマー英首相、ウクライナへの防空ミサイル支援を発表 3000億円超を拠出

米アカデミー賞、「アノーラ」が5部門受賞 ベイカー監督は一人4冠

トランプ氏、英語をアメリカの公用語に 大統領令に署名