Unconstitutional. Appropriations bills are laws. If the president is not bound by them, he can make laws by fiat and is acting like a dictator. No Democrat can vote for any appropriations or debt ceiling bill while this is happening.
Reposted from
The Washington Post
Breaking news: President Donald Trump has decided to pause all future deliveries of U.S. military assistance to Ukraine in an extraordinary move aimed at pressuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the negotiating table with Russia.
Perhaps then, they will "get it".
Silly me, that was in a different era
You can tell them what you want. You want them to be loud. Forget decorum. They should boo every lie. You can do this you this too. I called them this morning and also my representatives .
We could have just had single payer healthcare, debt free education & Job Guarantee
Would have been so easy
mean anything these days, the joke is on you.
Congratulations to any American who did not vote for Democrats.
No way around it
Powerful my ass.
I bet a quiet, dignified appearance at the State of the Union will show Trump!
If US/Trump wish so desperately to capitulate openly to RF/Putin, why bother using Ukraine/Zelenski as the figleaf/middleman? Just change the address, send the next weapons shipment directly to Moscow, let everyone know about it and be done with it.
Good luck M0R0N.
Europe knows tariffs are coming their way in all cases.
I hate this timeline.
Plus, we've been hearing for years that he's not allowed to do stuff from outraged government types who turned out to be wrong.
Some senior Dems are selling books now.
Dance Band on Titanic.
Or process to stop etc.
what are they?
First Ukraine, then the rest of the previous USSR nations. Then Europe.
Stop now before it all gets bad.
I keep having to remind myself of this when not one republican stands up against felon34. They're terrified.
Politicians are odd creatures 😖
I don't see it as an excuse to let the country go down the toilet.
I simply remind myself, for example when they confirm the idiot administration secretaries, why this is happening in the Republican party, even the reasonable ones.
What would be ffotus' next move ?
And what if that move turned mute ?
Send Lynsey ?
Bottom line
Paper Tiger ?
Please tell me USA
He breaks laws rather than upholds them
Can this actually happen, or no?
If it’s unconstitutional but the executive goes along with it, “constitutionality” doesn’t really matter any more
Yeah, we all knew.
Rump just wants Ukraines minerals!!
Full 🛑 🛑stop
He’s gotta get em before Russia
FOTUS & his lap dog were & always will be despicable
Make Johnson spike them,