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DevOps, platform engineering. Bread and butter tech that isn't AI or blockchain. Blog: Candidacy:
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If anybody is looking to write a bio for their race I created a site to try and increase exposure for local races. It's currently a bit technical to actually make the post. I'm working on that, and open to help.
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I just did something like this for local candidates to post a bio so I might actually be able to find information about them (and post mine). Not realistic to expect people to figure out markdown and open a pull request. I'm looking out for ways to simplify that.
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I've always recommended inner sourcing for DevOps tooling for this reason. If there's too much of a backlog with the maintainers then the source is right there. Open a pull request.
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26 million people and counting. Still small, but for sure more than DevOps people on here now :D
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I feel like a lot of this sentiment is "good ol days" nostalgia that remembers FTPing content changes straight to prod, and forgets about spending a week moving around portable A/C units and emptying buckets or water because the main A/C died.
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Nice! I've been exploring a lot of OIDC connections between Pulumi, Azure, and GitHub actions. I updated my personal blog with full source exposure for infra: and blog: If it can be popped I'd love to know how.
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🎵 One of these things is not like the others 🎶
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Sounds like FoxPro 😂
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I think every company that was developing software before ~2010 has/had a database like this. We're thinking that AWS DMS > AWS MSK is an easy way to bring Kafka in, and then modern applications can deal with Kafka as their source of truth. Kickstarting the never ending effort to "kill legacy".
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Currently looking at it as a way side-by-side a legacy application with a massive ancient on-prem database, business logic embedded in sprocs, a small set of tables pushing columns limits with col names like notes2-notes22 but missing notes21 for a reason lost to time.
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I'm pretty close to solving it by writing a delete all rule and just fishing around in the trash for my occasional 2fa codes or receipts I might actually want.
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I've been getting that one here and there outside social media. It's like responding with LMGTFY, but without the attitude which somehow makes it even worse.
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It's a whole thing. Not even the account owner that assumes this and fills this out, but random people they interact with also assume their email and just start sending you whatever. I receive a lot of emails intended for other people.
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This might sound like hell to most, but for me pausing and explaining the importance of several converging plotlines to somebody who actually wants to know was a heaven I didn't know existed. Never happened before, or since. TL;DR You know what makes the extended editions better? Extending them.
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I took a chance and watched these when my kiddo was 4. I figured the wraiths would give them nightmares and that would be the end of it. No, they got absolutely all in. They asked me to pause it roughly every 5 minutes to explain what was happening. Took ~5 days to make it through the trilogy.
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Another bonus to moving to Cloudflare for me was I was behind the times in moving to GA4. In the good old days using Google Analytics meant copy/pasting some js and you were done. Google tag manager added some complexity that I solved by just using Zaraz to handle it. Good guy
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I had the same setup with the same issue on the front door pricetag and moved to Cloudflare for the CDN. Free and mostly painless. Two simple sticking points. 1. Had to use the asverify method to update the static site's hostname because CF's proxy hides the cname. 2. Had to set CF to strict ssl
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I just finished reading this and wanted to share. COVID-19 ^ Hey the BlueSky update I made to the Hugo Clarity theme for sharing works at least. I suppose I'll open an PR after Christmas and maybe after I find a way to segue that topic into tech stuff.
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What was my last post on here anyway? Ah... March 2020 talking about how this COVID thing is looking pretty bad. You know what? I think I'll go to bed.
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You know, all of this might make an interesting blog post... what did I use last time? Ah right, Wyam... hmm, seems that's been replaced by Statiq which seems nice but since I'm looking anyway, what else is out there? Hugo looks cool. I'll go with that. Ported the whole project. Time to post.
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I found that the free CDN was replaced with an Azure Frontdoor SKU (that I used professionally and love) for a cool $35 a month. No thanks my hosting bill for the last five years has been $2 or so... total. Ported the CDN to which still maintains a free tier.
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I generate all my passwords with a password manager and thought it would be fine but I went ahead and logged in and setup 2FA. Crisis averted. Then Microsoft started sending me emails the CDN I was using went bankrupt and would disappear in Jan. Welp... time to actually get to work I guess.
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Google Analytics started sending me emails mid-year that there was a required upgrade to GA4 or else it would die. I let it go. Then Google Domains told me they sold to SquareSpace, but all setup was automatic so I was free to ignore the process. Until...