I'm working on that essay folks wanted regarding how to get started being prepared for emergencies without coming across as a weirdo paramilitary type who gets their kids to run bug out drills on Saturday mornings.
If there's anything you want covered - from tiniest to biggest - let me know.
If there's anything you want covered - from tiniest to biggest - let me know.
Seriously. Start at the beginning for those of us who are total virgins - and barely have two nickels to run together.
Book-sized solar panels, battery banks with a solar panel on it, air/tire pumps that are rechargeable, there's a device to jump a car that's battery powered.
Easy to not realize these exist.
It's amazing but can be overwhelming. (I own a lot of them 🤣🤣)
Picking these up were important for me as someone poor so that I'd have one writing/job-hunting/communication device powered by solar even if electric was turned off.
I decided to look at survival prep as a long-term game, and slowly pick up things.
"Sun, salt, and lime juice may sound like ingredients for a vacation"
(Our water turn off was inaccessible in winter 🙄 lol of course it was)
That was super interesting to read lol
Drain it if you can, run the facets if you can't.
I guess some things never change!
Plus, this is about simplicity not hyper specialized for every scenario.
Especially if you expand beyond "flashlight, radio, and extra batteries for both."
Also, so much is attitude, too. +
Then folks reply to it, well, guess I'll die. and the list maker is like yup, you will I guess.
Whereas, I look at it as simple, slightly less simple, work on what you can do. Don't fret about rest
So working on it now with a look at making it basic, scalable, and designed to reduce anxiety (not make more loL)
...but we don't need an entire room of it LOL
So when the first case hit Canada, I bought $500 in groceries and did a mass amount of ingredient meal prep to freeze. Once the shelves starting clearing out, I was well set.
(I had 1 pack of TP for each bathroom plus a spare - my usual 🤣
Not just Tp though 🤣🤣
Oh! How do you balance urban/ rural priorities?
I'll make sure to cover vehicles. It's a tough one b/c it comes with pros and cons - I think that's where neighbor relationships come in IMO
I am not crowd-sourcing suggestions at this time, I am specifically asking if anyone has any disaster preparedness questions I can incorporate or fears I can address.
Well, any perishables, really. I assume meds, toothpaste, etc also have expiration dates
should I do this as one giant guide (which might be overwhelming) or as a group of smaller posts? The plan is to have it on the free, public tier on Patreon so that anyone can access.
Smaller posts means I can get stuff out sooner, but won't be comprehensive. 🤔