I like the deleted post-credits scene from Home Alone 2 where Fuller finishes telling his therapist the story of his imaginary friend “Kevin” and the camera pans to a shelf with the original house and NYC in snow globes…
Theres also a deleted scene where Kevins father noticed that he didnt come with them to the airport. He just hates his son for being a little jerk so he pretended to not notice until someone else found out.
Yes. You know how on broadcast TV they used to sometimes play a version of a movie that was different from the theatrical cut (e.g. deleted scenes, alternate takes, altered dialogue, etc.)?
CBS actually ran a version of Home Alone containing this scene twice during the 1993 holiday season.
I almost forgot about the one scene where the tall old man finally flashes Kevin in the middle of church. It really puts the dialogue kept in the released version in a new perspective
Originally it was going to be revealed that the family all died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Kevin survived because he was in the attic alone. The rest of the film was Kevin in his own fantasy world trying to cope with the death of his family.
I found it very disturbing during that one scene when Kevin took a shotgun and just shot pumpkins at close range for about three minutes and just looks soullessly into the horizon
He ended up being a congressman
CBS actually ran a version of Home Alone containing this scene twice during the 1993 holiday season.
Other than that, p much the same movie