Thank you for building this app! if you ever need media help - from copy to video for your app - reach out. We will help free of charge to boost this to as many people as possible.
This photographer and Android user is eagerly awaiting your delivering Flashes to us. Not sure yet how this handles photography better than just Bluesky but look forward to trying it out.
Yes, and in this very post that you're commenting on, he explains why. The developer is working alone, in his spare time, and is mostly familiar with iOS.
Please launch an Android version soon. There are many more users of Android in total. Apple is very popular, especially in the US, but Android always seems to take a backseat when it comes to apps. It is especially frustrating for many of us who followed & believed in you & are Android users
You put YOU first, we android users will be alright, I'm excited and thankful for your work but please we need all the peeps with souls and brains to be at their best as we are in this dark AF era and that means you come first!
I have no problem waiting a while longer for a thing nobody knew existed before three weeks ago. Take your time, it's not like Zuck is gonna win me back. Thanks for doing this for us, especially on your free time! 👏✨️
I hope you'll get some assistance for an Android version ASAP, and I'm looking forward to get more news about this app's development. 😊
Can't wait to try it out! 🤓
This 👆🏻 is why, although I'm normally pissed that iOS gets so much more attention than Android for many projects despite being a way tinier ecosystem, I'm waiting patiently on this. Cheers for all the good work you're doing !
You're doing a great job mate, just keep it up. Working as a single developer across multiple platforms is a special hell I wouldn't wish on anybody. Focus on getting the iOS product correctly scoped and built first, then you can spend time on other platforms time permitting. ✌️
Bro relax. Anyone talking about a hidden agenda is being an unhinged weirdo. The fact you are solo deving an Instagram alternative is crazy awesome. I only use Android and i'll happily wait. Frankly even from a strategic sense, Apple is a good launch point for an alternative to reach a lot of people
Like really, most people I know with Apple Phones use Instagram as their main social. Yes all of us Android users are waiting but the success of an app is important.
One complaint i've seen tho is its maybe too half and half Twitter+Instagram. Be shameless. Just make a better Instagram lol fuck em
The Twitter part will come from Bluesky itself obviously but lean more into being a clone and why people used it. Reels, filters, you nailed the photo timeline and the styled likes but images only. If people want to write stuff without attached images, that's what Bluesky is for right?
You got this. Keep your eye on the prize man. People are just excited. Take the time to enjoy time off with your family. The fact its coming at all is what people should be excited for.
At least you know you'll get a tonne of users quick hahaha
Honestly, I'm just happy you're thinking of both Apple AND Android users. And the fact you're doing this yourself, whilst having a job and making time for your family, is incredible. Take your time, and don't overwhelm yourself. We all look forward to what's coming ❤️
😱 I'm so sorry for my "Speed up"-skeet right now. I have not known. Why on earth are you alone? THANK YOU and please enjoy your vacation and hug your family 🫶
Have been looking for an alternative to Insta for a while. Looking forward to it and would loove to join an Android beta test. Thank you so much for all the work you put in!
By and large, Bluesky's active user base is from the US at 45%. iOS dominates the US market in device sales and usage with a 60/40 split. Beyond the developer focusing on their best skills, it makes more sense to launch an iOS app first to gain traction.
Everything I've seen has said most of Bluesky users come from the US, Brazil, and Japan. So that's a good number of Android devices in there. Based on your numbers ok then. But I read an article about Brazil being the largest users of the Bluesky website. So it's more international than some think
There was a short-lived, massive surge in Brazilian users when the Brazilian Supreme Court blocked Twatter in the country. After the block was lifted, most Brazilian users returned to Twatter and now account for less than 5% of average Bluesky traffic:
Ok. This article was January 16 2025 long after the X ban. I haven't found anything more recent so I can only take it face value
Being part of the market != being a real customer. App Store alone makes 68% of global app consumer spending, 73% of global subscriptions and developers tend to eat and pay the rent.
I am. Some people are in a US bubble may not realize that Android penetration crushes IOS. X focuses on Iphone and the Android experience is so trash me and number of others don't use the app anymore that was before the entire political stuff 24/7.
By “read the room,” she meant that they’re already on it and it’s not helpful to harangue the individual person in charge of everything while he works round the clock to make it happen.
I didn't. Nothing aggressive. I posted that for penetration Android over Apple. Said the same thing to my friends that are working on a social media app called glitz.
(im patiently waiting and looking forward to Flashes!)
Hope you're able to enjoy your family vacation too
I hope you'll get some assistance for an Android version ASAP, and I'm looking forward to get more news about this app's development. 😊
Can't wait to try it out! 🤓
One complaint i've seen tho is its maybe too half and half Twitter+Instagram. Be shameless. Just make a better Instagram lol fuck em
At least you know you'll get a tonne of users quick hahaha
You’ve already coded the iOS app so making something cross-platform is probably already a bit much to ask of solo dev.
My bags are almost packed at IG. Waiting to move out, leave a note, and settle in at FLASHES. ✨🦋✨
-Waaaaaah noooo android first!
Sometimes the ridicule is well deserved.