she made the bargain of selling out immigrants and trans people on the outside chance a famous liar would keep a promise of giving her free ivf! fuck her!
I'm sympathetic to the idea that a lot of people voted for Trump because they were desperate and desperate people make stupid decisions. But if your personal values begin and end at "I need this thing and am willing to help usher in fascism to get it" then you are the moral equivalent of an incel.
Liberals want so deeply for these ppl to have been conned yokels. Its so much easier than having to try to actually do something & you get to feel superior.
what is this fuck? like, let's say it was a real promise and he really did give everyone free IVF. it literally does not even slightly justify supporting someone who campaigned the way he campaigned, and who *already had a previous disastrous presidency*. who sympathizes with this???? I'm gonna shit
"Why can't I get pregnant!?" While her North Dakota oil field husband does a line and pounds a white monster before hopping in his interest-rate-too-high-for-a-marine Ram 2500 and going to work to inhale chemicals
i don't care if telling these people to fuck themselves is wrong tactically or it doesn't build solidarity, I'm fucking angry at them and if they aren't going to show any regret for the harm inflicted on people that aren't them then they aren't useful allies anyway.
It’s the smol bean framing of it all. As though they made a tough choice but they were lied to like so many :(. They wanted to inflict pain on others and are just mad it’s inflicted on them! They don’t get to come back that easy
yeah i can't stand it. the whole "this poor, ignorant hillbilly from the hollers of michigan never had a chance to see through Trump's lies" falls apart when she's about to get a masters degree.
I don't have to feel sorry for her because at the end of the day she still voted for a known liar at the expense of other people's lives and freedoms, that kind of stupidity alone should ban her from the gene pool
It doesn't affect solidarity either way anyway. The idiots who keep telling people to be nice to regretful chuds have no idea how ideological shifts work. People also adopt new ideas once they feel their old ideas are socially costly to them.
yeah I feel like I'm going insane reading all the posts about how not patting these precious little unfortunates on the head is bad for "movement building" or whatever.
they're being treated similarly to actual victims of abuse while never being held to account for rooting for the team that was already openly saying "we will abuse everyone else but you"
We are in desperate need of having that rebuilding and tactics conversation about DEMOCRAT voters and we're still pretending republicans can coexist with normal society outside prison
maybe the post reporter kept it out of the story, but she doesn't say anything about other people harmed by this. it's just "I did everything right and the people I voted for still fired me."
It’s tactically smart, strategically necessary, and it’s only ever our enemies that tell us we shouldn’t do it.