That's a nice quote from Jacobs. But to the best of my knowledge, Gruden himself hasn't actually taken accountability for the comments in full, which is what growth actually looks like.
Gruden may or may not be a coach again but you dragging him is punching down. Raiders running back Josh Jacobs said "I've been around this guy for 3 years. I've never felt a certain type of way about him. He's never rubbed me a certain way. I definitely trust him. It was 10 years ago; people grow."
“High school girls love me, 14-18 I'm a big star with them bc you know, as soon as they mature they start figuring out wait a minute, I know I can get a better guy than that.”
Has he ever apologized?
Step 1: I did X wrong. Here’s why it’s wrong and here’s what I am going to do
Step 2: Do what you said you were going to do
Step 3: repeat 2 it until it’s clear to you that you understand WHY
Step 4: if you did step 3, you’ll know what this is
See Michael Vick for how to do it right
Fuck around, find out.
The definition of online harassment
And also, Jacobs saying "he wasn't awful to my face" only says he was not awful to everyone. In fact, as the quotes you presented show, Gruden seemed to specialize in being awful behind people's backs.
Was the 2020 election stolen?
Who did he vote for in 2024?
I always find myself wondering how or why that isn’t a bigger deal than they’re making it
And then I remember the political clown show we’re dealing with and just shrug in defeat
Gruden was a fully-formed adult with experience in the league and knew exactly what he was thinking and why and knew who was blaming.
Right on cue. Oh, and Gruden is 61.
It’s so bleak.
God -> country -> Mina -> Jon Gruden
If a GM is seriously considering hiring Gruden, they should be fired immediately based on that alone. Then of course, the tone deaf nature of hiring Gruden because, well...