I can’t believe this has to be said, but: You cannot tell the story of Jackie Robinson—as a ballplayer, serviceman, or human—without discussing our country’s history of racism.
From Around the Horn:
From Around the Horn:
Only thing you forgot to mention is that we're in this situation now because we have a fascist racist as "President" who is being aided by other racists, like Stephen Miller, Elon Musk, etc. etc. etc.
p.s. Watched your episode of Celebrity Jeopardy — well done!👏
They erased the Tuskegee Airman. They restored the names of racist confederate pieces of trash, and we’ve started sending people to El Salvadoran concentration camps
America is dead
Thank you!
The fact that he put up with all the racist bigotry and still excelled was a testament as to how good he was. Which also sheds light on all the hate he overcame.
Those folks are still with us. Damn!
They are treasonous racists.
Not this one.
Thanks Mina
Circa 1933-36.
7.Excessive Punishment – Harsher sentences for Black providers may breach the 8th Amendment’s protection against cruel and unusual punishment.
5.Misuse of Asset Forfeiture – Seizing assets before conviction undermines the presumption of innocence.
3.Inadequate Notice – Failure to properly inform defendants of charges may breach 5th Amendment due process rights.
The DOJ’s handling of Medicaid fraud cases involving Black healthcare providers may raise due process concerns, including:
1.Selective Prosecution – Disproportionate targeting compared to white counterparts may indicate racial bias, violating the 14th Amendment.
How any of this blatantly racist nonsense is making us “great” is a mystery - looks like a complete waste of tax dollars & an administration that cannot help but to appease the same segregationists who tried to keep Robinson out of baseball in the 1st place.
As though Barry Bonds or Ken Griffey Jr weren't revered.
Like, I don't really care if someone is racist.
I care a great deal and believe we all need to understand the history of this country, warts and all.
Thank you for saying what you said and speaking the truth. We seem to be in short supply of that lately.
Way to call them out. 📣
Jackie Robinson was a great brave American.
Thank you...
I remember it now. Good teachers.
And DEI transformed baseball for the better.
My apologies if I offended anyone. I just a tiny bit pissed off at how the Trump thug administration is attempting to erase and destroy our nations heritage and history all in the name of ending DEI
"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell.
As askew as sports punditry can be. There are shining lights out there. Making my sports fandom obsessiveness an easier burden to bare. Thank you
His story is one that must be taught to all generations.
The tour guides are absolutely amazing!
Took my kid there and had a blast.
He was court martialed for refusing to move to the back of the bus. He spent the rest of his military career fighting, and winning, that court martial.
The hate these people so much.
i find such courage, resolve, and steel in my sinews by learning from the life experiences of those who suffered and endured
we must never let them be erased
P.S. Thank you for serving 🫡
Thank you
This whitewashing of history must stop.
Remember, as soon as this administration gets away with deporting ONE person without due process, they can do it to anyone.