This news is incredible. 100 days this year CA's used 100% renewables to power the entire grid, & through a heat wave, there's been no significant disruption (cough *Texas*). Energy analysts are seeing a "phase-change" of the grid with the addition of 5 nuclear plants worth of battery storage, wow
Reposted from
Justin Mikulka
"No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler is more clean energy, especially solar, and above all, battery storage..."
Still fantastic!
As solar efficiency 📈and battery prices 📉the scaling potential is insane…unless the GOP and oil lobby kneecap it.
Hatte nicht Merz von irgendwelchen Blackouts geheult?
Anyway, best wishes!
It's more like getting 4 hours of a nuclear plant, as opposed to 40 years of power from a nuclear plant.
But as long as it's a sunny place, that's ok. (Northern latitudes have more of a challenge.)
And hopefully, in the long run, for the eventually retirement of the dams in the Columbia and rewilding of the river.