Well I’m losing the leeching wording badly 😅
I’ll collect my thoughts and perhaps write it down in longer form.
Perhaps something related to cloud provider free tiers and surprise Vercel bills.
Also why I’m more interested in non-bsky-lexicons where new equilibriums can form.
I’ll collect my thoughts and perhaps write it down in longer form.
Perhaps something related to cloud provider free tiers and surprise Vercel bills.
Also why I’m more interested in non-bsky-lexicons where new equilibriums can form.
The message that you're trying to point out is more along the lines that we as developers are "leeching" off the VC funding in the same way that Bluesky PBC is at the moment.
I think this is an important point to make!
Unless...getting people to talk about it was your plan all along 🤔
So I’m asking, what’s the plan for taxes?
So yes, both are meant here and both need maintenance, evolution, and upkeep.