It seems like in the short-term a response would be to swamp Twitter with deepfake of Musk and Trump having sex with reasonably realistic old man bodies.
The the problem is that with no safe harbor style rule like 230 then it wouldn't be safe for anybody to host any user content.
The next step is figuring out what standards should be required to report and take down content without just creating more censorship, etc, and that's not easy
Yes, there's always been and always will be. Human's compacity for violence and prejudice is woven into our species. That is why I find mass indoctrination of people via constant messaging online so dangerous now. They can do a lot of damage (Germany 1939-45) long before the consequences come.
I can tell you what's gonna happen when the politician deepfakes start happening. Real I.D. internet. They'll tie it to our biometrics and social security numbers, and a photo I.D. Internet anonymity will die overnight. So will free speech. But at least we'll have less anonymous trolls, so...
People need to get off this “both sides same” bullshit. The Democratic Party in Oregon looks nothing like the one in Virginia. Just like the legislators from those states don’t align exactly.
Pretending the entire world is Portlandia is stupid.
Let’s be totally honest; this is the craziest part of the story. Not the suspension, but the idea that being the worst possible human is a violation of Twitter’s policies.
And if there's a group that could get it to happen, it's probably Swifties.
The internet used to be a mirror of our id. In 2024 it’s going to turn into a Charles Manson Acid trip.
The next step is figuring out what standards should be required to report and take down content without just creating more censorship, etc, and that's not easy
social media is f’ked
there was/is life without social media
maybe they are able to communicate their hate filled ideology faster now, but these goons have a same choice, follow the law or pay the consequences
So we got got that going for us.
cc: love you
Only a matter of time.
So. What laws should be passed?
Pretending the entire world is Portlandia is stupid.