it was made by an american and had south african cast and locations. it's common that americans say white south africans,sound aussie(im not white btw). sadly the movie was made during apartheid era south africa simnce i guess it was cheaper. sooooooooo
A little while ago my American ass learned about Bophuthatswana and the way that people used it to get around international restrictions placed on the apartheid regime. Now I'm wondering if this production was filmed in Bop specifically.
news to me! i was under it but close to it's end. the thing A LOT of media leave out of how apartheid was how it wasnt just black people. it split POC up in sub groups to fight eachother and treated black people the worst. and i dunno.but it was common that apartheid govermeant bribed 1st worlders
Strap in, space mutiny is a rough watch