I live in SW PA. It’s a place with a HUGE Ukrainian, Serbian, Slovak heritage. (Google: international village McKeesport)
The number of people that went from hard-core MAGA to hard-core Ukrainians in 24 hours is not one bit surprising.
сьогодні я українець
(Today, I am Ukrainian)
The number of people that went from hard-core MAGA to hard-core Ukrainians in 24 hours is not one bit surprising.
сьогодні я українець
(Today, I am Ukrainian)
Slava, Ukraine !
For being maga! They saw what Trump did to Zelensky his first term! wtf
They voted for this regime and now they are outraged! Were was the fucking outrage BEFORE the election!!! I got no empathy for those who voted maga and now are outraged and w/regret.
All of my idiots are over towards greensburg 😆
Not too bright.
Listen again the video !!!
They still believe that republicans are the "family values" party despite all the evidence to the contrary. Low information voters, and the local republicans let them get away with puppy mills and other violations. so quid pro quo.
Let’s hope that momentum keeps on growing
I love the festival
Better not to look a gift horse in the mouth?
And why would they be maga in the first place ?
You're on your own.
#SlavaUkraïni #ChwałaPolsce
But selfish people only care, when it hurts them.
I hate that!
They were all Hunkies (Slovaks) who worked in the mills and mines.
A little fucking late indeed.
I am losing faith in humanity.
Since you desire Putin so much, get your asses over to Russia.
Get the fuck out of our country✔️
As soon as it has a direct impact on the maga, they realize they don't like what they wanted for everyone else!!