I have found, doing my PGCert at Worcester, that the university was very proactive in this way and reminded me that I need to proactively consider discrimination at every stage of teaching. #LTHEchat
A3: data, student voice, the awareness that there is an issue that needs to inform different learning design and assessment design decisions. A few things over the years. Not enough. #lthechat
True. I have a dilemma with the data. When I see a BAME group with lower grades than other groups, and we design assessment clinics, anonymous marking, and support for assessment but still lack of student engagement, then who is accountable for this? I think this goes for both parts #LTHEchat
A3: In higher ed we are great at big picture ideas and policy. We’re not great at describing explicitly what these look like in practice. We talk about decolonising the curriculum, but educators are not well equipped to be able to identify what colonisation looks like in their courses. #LTHEchat
Agree, and understanding that decolonisation of the curricula is not only about a reading list and it is more the way of teaching and what is considering knowledge. In addition, I have learned more about these topics in the field than rather in an office or only reading (that helps too) #LTHEchat
A3, this will likely get me into troubles but those who know me know I have a gob and can’t hold my tongue. Also, this is not in reference to a particular university, but in general - a lot of talk, a lot of lip service, a lot of PR exercises, but not much has changed. #LTHEchat
A3 we’ve had some good work at Brighton with inclusive practice partners (paid student interns) working with module teams to decolonise curricula and reading lists But not sure how far this has shrunk award gaps yet
A3 To identify inequalities it is important that multiple voices are heard. Students need to talk to people they trust who are not seen as being in authority. We have used other students, and staff they can identify with to get authentic representation. #LTHEChat
Learning Developers and Academic Liaison Librarians can help here as thrid space professionals #LTHEchat (See @jldhe.bsky.social current SI on that - released today: https://journal.aldinhe.ac.uk/index.php/jldhe - #LoveLD)
Thank you. I have used our student support teams before, but not thought about learning developers. I particularly like the idea of using liaison librarians-after all who could be nervous of talking to a librarian.
A3 At the OU we have developed an Inclusive curriculum tool, which can be used to investigate each module with the aim of building a more inclusive curriculum for the benefit of minoritised students. #LTHEChat
#LTHEchat a3. A lot of work done at @uofglasgow.bsky.social Race Equality Group to start uncovering how these inequalities manifest in our institution; in my role on the REG committee i have learned more about this
A3 Little, mostly lip service hidden in the overall inclusive practice under the Equality Act (2010). A largely tick box exercise in many institutions I have worked for. #LTHEChat
A3 - I would add to this as my experience too and say sometimes it can fall to the people of colour in a team to ‘share ideas’ on how racial inequalities occur / next steps to break them down. The burden is often heavy to carry. #LTHEchat
A3: interesting question, and.. I'm not sure we have. We get NSS data with various categories including race, but I'm not sure if in my School we've done any really serious interrogation of the data or talked with our non-white students about their experience of our teaching practices.
Q3: Many of the staff we spoke to said that they wanted to improve their practice, but often found that while much of the support provided was helpful in starting a conversation, there was little by way of clear guidance for improving practice. This was part of the inspiration for the RIPIAG.
I found this #LTHEchat
Campbell, Paul; Duke, Ben (2023). An Evaluation of the Racially Inclusive Practice in Assessment Guidance Intervention on Students’ and Staffs’ Experiences of Assessment in HE: A Multi-University Case Study. University of Leicester. Report. https://doi.org/10.25392/leicester.data.23579565.v1
A3 #LTHEchat disciplinary networks have been very supportive at sharing resources to benchmark and enhance. But can be time consuming and emotionally exhausting to get changes through internal systems
A3 Closest example I have is in my masters being actively encouraged to seek out more voices, to not just be informed by the dominate names/groups etc. otherwise your knowledge will be narrow (and if you teach you pass this on to others). #LTHEchat
A3 Hmm I'd say we have had conversations to talk about what these may be but still feel we need support for student relevant solutions to overcome them #LTHEchat
A3: I have undertaken curriculum audits evaluating how schemes of work reflect a range of racial backgrounds, cultures, genders, sexualities etc. I did a great teacher fellowship through the Historical Association about teaching about the First World War in a way that reflected varied experiences
It was shocking how little I knew about the very different war experience of troops from across the British Empire. Also shocking that I knew so little about British Civil Rights before creating a teaching scheme around this topic #LTHEchat
Campbell, Paul; Duke, Ben (2023). An Evaluation of the Racially Inclusive Practice in Assessment Guidance Intervention on Students’ and Staffs’ Experiences of Assessment in HE: A Multi-University Case Study. University of Leicester. Report. https://doi.org/10.25392/leicester.data.23579565.v1