These are bold and wild allegations from the FBI, which is moving to criminalize organizations like Habitat for Humanity for receiving grants from the EPA.
In a court filing, Citibank disclosed that it had been directed by the FBI to freeze the bank accounts of these groups.
Do people keep listening to Trump when he drolls on aimlessly for more than an hour? Do they respect such an individual? Do they understand the law and the separation of branches of power and the fact that he shouldn’t even be there?
It’s typical and business as usual for him. He’s all about the shock value. The more outlandish the more press coverage he gets
Same story different day
He will continue for the next 3.5 years.
Most remaining who have any sense hide in the back...the rest applaud trump's lies about the 2020 election plus his complete takeover of the department for his own personal vendettas...
He’s got lackeys heading up DOJ, FBI, DOD. And trying to clean house of those who might resists, like the IGs, the JAGS. It’s all dictator stuff and his brazen speech today at DOJ is the clearest reveal of his ambition.
I truly believe that he is deteriorating more every day, and we are not labeling it as what it is. Dementia. Instead we are calling him authoritarian and everything else. It's more than obvious that he is cognitively gone.
I avoid him wherever possible, but I am always annoyed when CNN trots out one Republican after another, even though the afternoon hosts give them a run for their money. They don't need the air time.
It both amazes and troubles me that Americans apparently don’t get what Trump is doing and put a stop to it. Everything he has done since inauguration is about establishing a dictatorship. Through history dictators have identified scapegoats, ruled by edict, stolen and made it illegal to criticise.
Being at the DOJ to attack them and lie about his crimes and prosecution is probably the highlight of his week. He really doesn't enjoy most of that presidenting stuff.
Only when people praise him and kiss his overly ample behind. He likes that part. Actually doing stuff for the country is irrelevant to him, other than when it leads to people praising him and giving him credit.
Ain't that the truth, all that presidenting stuff definitely gets in the way of his vomiting about all the hoaxes and his mistreatment, his “fancy dancing” and of course, playing golf
Democrats should use the word liar every time they get in front of a camera. For example: when DJT listed all the fraud in SS dems should fact check, get in front of a camera and say once again DJT lied to the American people.So far Elon has no data to back up that claim. No proof just lies.
Why did your former colleagues attend? It couldn’t have been mandatory. When he started lying and m/or insulting them, they should have walked out. Attending and then staying was tactic agreement w/Trump giving the address in the first place.
I recently learned the audience were hand picked members of the Jusice Department, not the ones who revere doing the right thing. There were also Republican AGs and other trump supporters, including Michael Flynn.
Tell me when was the last time a convicted felon addressed the Department of Justice with lies and bullshit ? The USA is finished as a law abiding trusted country after such despicable shows. Can only feel absolute sorrow for what is going on.
I had to turn it off. The fact that he’s still allowed to officially lie and slander with impunity after 10 or more years is just too much anymore. Then shortly after, Fox News will reinforce it all. And this is why half the country doesn’t think anything is wrong with him in ofc & what he’s doing.
Does it also feel a little desperate? Something about this, the location, the timing, seems pathetic (more than usual). A location not at all connected with the stock market or economics or anything like that. "Don't look over there. Let me tell you about all the people who are mean to me."
He is blatantly demonstrating who is actually in charge of the DOJ. I'm old enough to remember when presidents would avoid performances like this. Presidents in the past wanted the DOJ to be independent. This is the felon's announcement that the DOJ is firmly under his thumb.
Do you think that maybe there might be some people stuck in the room that after listening to his bullshit long enough might think the more he talks the crazier he sounds? Or might start thinking now would be a good time for a stroke?
I have a question. Why is legit media even covering this? On the off chance he says something that's actually good/sensible/normal, fine, cover that clip. Otherwise, just report what a scamsham it is/was then get on with news.
Isn’t amazing ?
The guy who’s wife lives with another man in another states ( Not in the WH) is lecturing the country about how things should be
Mfr doesn’t have the balls to control his own wife
These are bold and wild allegations from the FBI, which is moving to criminalize organizations like Habitat for Humanity for receiving grants from the EPA.
In a court filing, Citibank disclosed that it had been directed by the FBI to freeze the bank accounts of these groups.
Trump reminds me of him for some reason..
We will be back - I just know it!
The manners of that man!
Same story different day
He will continue for the next 3.5 years.
It’s not newsworthy, at this point.. if you can imagine something really bad that he might do or say…
There’s a non-zero percent chance he’s probably gonna do it.
I'm just surprised it took this long for him to start.
Oh wait, there is none.
The rule of law is dead.
Trump is trolling every person in our criminal justice system.
Our laws mean nothing to him was his point.
He calls us all sorts of names,
We are scum, corrupt and deranged.
He’s trying to muzzle what we say.
F him! That’s not the American way!
The rest is worse
I am trying to watch this live... It is barely watchable!🤬🤷
I can barely hear each of his lies over my screaming and yelling at the screen. lol😄
Nothing matters anymore.
Language MATTERS.
outrageous and disgraceful.
I could have woken up this morning and told you that.
Now what ?????
They ate it up like it was a KKK lynching.
The site is LITERALLY on the Metro system and adjacent to the DC Beltway.
Someone may have told him about the West Virginia FBI building that opened over 30 years ago that houses a data center.
Oh wait, did i say "legit" media? Never mind.
The guy who’s wife lives with another man in another states ( Not in the WH) is lecturing the country about how things should be
Mfr doesn’t have the balls to control his own wife