Religion is not taught in schools to create morality, is taught to impose control.
The struggle in the education system is between those on Left who want to indoctrinate children with a secular thought control system and the Right who want to indoctrinate them with a theological control system
The role of parents is to teach children that they are loved, to respect themselves and others, to be proud of who they are, to stand up for themselves and not take shit from anyone.
I’m sure I’m not the first to notice, but Catholic priest don’t have a monopoly on abuse. Evangelical ministers, actually any denomination,seems to be participating
"Newsletter author Meg Conley said she had heard from many women who reported abuse to their LDS bishop, and that bishops tended to have keeping the family together as a higher priority than physical safety."
"In 2015, it was disclosed that the Australia Branch of Jehovah's Witnesses had records of 1,006 alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse, relating to more than 1,800 victims since 1950, none of which were reported to police by the group."
Right? You cannot legislate morality. Most people know right from wrong. The fact that many people don’t care, is the bigger problem. I think a lot of it is about how competitive we are forced to be in a capitalist society. We are all so busy fighting for scraps, we forget that it’s ok not to.
-Since they are not teaching about God nor Ye'Shua's teachings in churches, for starters...
They teach the anti-religion of the antichrist, Christy-Anti, established by false bishop Athanasius & by his followers massacring the real Christians over a millennium & a half ago under Emperor Theodosius.
So True
And there is also the reason that our founding fathers established the separation of church and government
The government should not be involved in your religious beliefs that is between you and whatever/whoever you believe
Crime rate has to do with economic factors, not religion. Show a graph of the the unemployment rate, wages per hour, and prices of consumer goods & housing during thst same period & you'll find your answer. Religion never made anyone better off except for the church who is collecting the donations.
All the knowledge we have of Rome's history and before is thanks to monks who preserved the knowledge, which includes medical knowledge. Churches have cared for the sick, the elderly, the dying, orphans, the homeless. Governments have also been infiltrated by evil ppl. Does not mean all gov is bad.
Since you've changed topics i have to assume you agree that economic burdens are more directly related to crime levels than church participation. As far as the early church preserving ancient roman writings, they did, as the clergy were the few people able to read & write, also the Turks & Arabs.
Funny thing, if you try forcing this stuff down public school kids' throats from middle school and up, you're gonna get an atheist state way quicker than by limiting exposure.
The struggle in the education system is between those on Left who want to indoctrinate children with a secular thought control system and the Right who want to indoctrinate them with a theological control system
Teach kids critical analysis skills and to think for themselves
Ever notice that on Mortis The Son is the dark Side Shame that means the Light is DEI with The Daughter I suppose
"In 2015, it was disclosed that the Australia Branch of Jehovah's Witnesses had records of 1,006 alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse, relating to more than 1,800 victims since 1950, none of which were reported to police by the group."
They teach the anti-religion of the antichrist, Christy-Anti, established by false bishop Athanasius & by his followers massacring the real Christians over a millennium & a half ago under Emperor Theodosius.
And there is also the reason that our founding fathers established the separation of church and government
The government should not be involved in your religious beliefs that is between you and whatever/whoever you believe
Its not that I don't agree "its not only about religion" but JFC the OP is blaming religion for bad behavior and that's the mthrfking topic.