More useful energy with less energy input: How the UK’s net zero pathway will significantly enhance efficiency.
An amazing chart by
This is how the energy system could change in a net zero world.
An amazing chart by
This is how the energy system could change in a net zero world.
I have questions, but not necessarily expecting answers here...
- is hydrogen green hydrogen?
- Why show green hydrogen but not showing chemical batteries on the chart if green hydrogen is essentially another type of battery?
I have questions, but not necessarily expecting answers here...
- is hydrogen green hydrogen?
- Why show green hydrogen but not showing chemical batteries on the chart if green hydrogen is essentially another type of battery?
- I'm suprised the mix of solar isn't higher, given solar continues to be on an exponential improvement curve (wind is more linear) ?
If your showing me a new car today, and a concept for 2050, I'm just asking for the data to support the assertion of how we get there.
A report was the very first thing I asked for.
A helpful response came quickly from, which I thanked her for.
In future conversations, I would suggest not looking down your nose at people who are interested/curious to learn.