First time I encountered this term was in TV news as an intern about 16 years ago. It was the first indication that career was not as stable as it appeared from the outside.
The mouse is PUSHING IT… probably a bad look for such a wealthy company to act like they’re offering teenagers “exposure” as payment instead of properly employing an American workforce
I hate to tell you this, but the “preditor” thing isn’t new, I worked with people doing that job as far back as 2006, and it’s prevalent in marketing at companies like that. Doesn’t make it right, obviously.
feels like how the DTVA color designer in multi platform got reclassified into a new job title to cover all the things that they were doing that they shouldn’t have been doing as a color designer. Underhanded sneaky shit.
Multiplatform just feels shady as hell in general with what they try to pull. Like I’m glad people are getting some of those jobs but they also sound like absolute hell.
Real, real bad look for them.
“What’s job creep what are you talking about I’ve never heard that term”