I was tested for that by a university. I spent 24 hours peeing into a tub that then went into a centrifuge to look for depleted uranium. This was because I was in the Gulf War and with UNPROFOR in Bosnia. Nothing found. Learn what "depleted" means too.
Also, Saddam's regime botched the disposals on a very large number of the chemical weapons they demiled. Iraq was not a very healthy place to live, even without the two Gulf Wars.
It's easy to look for because it persists in the body for so long. And there's a LOT of GWI in people who have no DU exposure and don't have any case history that would have given them exposure to it. (It doesn't really travel; it's heavy)
Well, seriously. That was heavily looked into and, if not thoroughly disproven, pretty well dumped to the bottom of the pile a long time ago. Does NOBODY read the medical literature on this stuff?
A stiff nor-easterly for a few days and they'd risk fucking up their own country surely? Once stuff's in the air it's definitively out of control...even I know that and I'm only a retired nurse.
"Cassandra"...or, the scientist at the start of every apocalyptic film ever made whom no-one listens to, then those in charge suddenly plead with to help them when it's a bit too late.
Two of the Gulf War vets who I have worked with have children who were born with pretty severe health issues. Blindness, cerebral palsy, intellectual difficulty, it seems crazy to me that there's virtually zero discussion of it.
Also, Saddam's regime botched the disposals on a very large number of the chemical weapons they demiled. Iraq was not a very healthy place to live, even without the two Gulf Wars.