I’ve thought for a while the answer is probably the need for something like an ‘Inside Gov Design System’ that sits alongside the GOV.UK one. But it would need to be funded in a way that all the departments can develop/contribute to in a joined up way
Repeat users include local gov, professionals, tax payers, parents, carers, UC claimants, admin staff and case workers.
And many of those relational services are meeting the needs of internal users.
(And it *so* needs to be a cross government endeavour)
Numerous ways to get involved. The will is what’s lacking.
It was great to talk about what you’re doing at MOJ before I left the team last year. My thinking was that the ‘central’ design system should be behind the depts, not ahead. So notion of ‘central control’ not a thing
We should talk more. Much innovation to be had.
I’ll be pencilling some thinking we’re doing to open the MoJ Design System up a bit more, which I think could be transferable. Would be keen to get your views and critique when I publish.