Your democracy is being demolished at record speed by a band of what at the very least are useful idiots for Russia.
Until you can impress upon the American people why that's bad and why they should mobilize to defend against it, no amount of talk about groceries will matter.
Thank you! Going on #Colbert & reciting tired talking pts about egg prices when we’re literally losing our Constitutional gov’t (& talking about sweet family shopping outings to Target, of all places) struck me as tone-deaf & weak in this moment. I’ve always like Pete, but this was disappointing.
While billionaires hoard wealth, working Americans struggle to afford basic necessities. 🥚💰 $10 eggs aren’t just an inconvenience—they’re proof of a broken system where the rich profit while families suffer. 🔥💥
🦅🇺🇸 God bless the democratic people of the USA! Follow me!
Billionaires don't shop for groceries, they have people for that. I'll bet there aren't many who could tell you the price of a dozen eggs or a gallon of milk. These people are completely out of touch, yet they think they know what's best for the rest of us.
Uh, no, you are being too kind, but that’s your nature. There are no millionaires or billionaires who will be
inconvenienced by any price increases for anything. Their lifestyles will not be changed or affected in any conceivable way.
Let's stop with the egg fixation. The real issue is that America's middle-class has been hollowed out by years of corporate greed. CEOs now earn 290 X the salary of their average employee. Corporations & billionaires pay very little in taxes. Many employers don't offer benefits & pay minimum wage.
I’m from the UK so not probably the best to comment here - but here goes. From many people on here Im getting you’re one of the good guys. I get the price of eggs is a metaphor for all the stuff impacting Americans - but they need someone to tell them how to reject an authoritarian takeover imho
Hi, Christina. You make a valid point. As you've seen, many regular folk are out here boots on the ground, speaking up. Sadly, the majority of our legislators are ineffective in educating the public. And the GOP are cowards. We need campaign style, get out there and teach, education. Be well.
Protesting and electing Democrats won’t work this time. Half our population believes their well being is inversely correlated to the well being of others. They need to get what they want, feel the consequences, and realize how desperately they do not want that. It’s the only way.
Yes, and it's a dumb metaphor. Too dumb for a brilliant communicator like Pete. Regular eggs are $4. Organic, Cage Free, branded eggs are $10. Have been for years. Regular Americans know this, so the metaphor feels disconnected. What we need is direction on which civil disobedience is most effective
Where I live eggs are more than $4– an 18 pack (not cage free/organic) is $11.50. We eat more eggs because meat is so expensive. Parents are standing in the grocery store, looking at the price of eggs and wondering how we’re going to feed our kids. It’s not a metaphor, it’s a tipping point.
The price is different across the country depending on the supplier/grocer. eggs where Im at are $7 and organic/cage free are $7-$10. There are limits on how many you can buy and stores are often OOS so you have to buy the $9 option or go w/o. I don’t think it’s as stupid of a metaphor as you think
perhaps, but it also misses the point that corporate greed and bad policy are driving the shortages (avian flu vax funding cut, large farms pushing out small). There's no shortage of inflation examples. MAGA got us to focus on eggs
I agree-I also think though that Pete’s talent for being a mouthpiece means he’s often trying to reach ppl who are just waking up to larger issues and who need educate/validated. I think that eggs are a very current and tangible consequence of fascism regardless of location or really even class
Actually to your point, egg prices are artificially deflated in red states where they heavily subsidize agriculture. Which makes those voters even less likely to appreciate Pete's outreach. Personally I think Pete should be President. And I hope he has some devil's advocates on his staff
I think we are watching in horror and it will impact us all - I guess I’m just not sure there’s a natural leader in USA who is helping everyone to know what to do - but I know I might be wrong so this is said with all respect.
When’s the last time you think Trump, musk, bezos, Zuckerberg, or any billionaire set foot inside a grocery store? Food magically appears in their homes, bought & prepared by their chefs. They have NO idea how much any food item costs & more importantly, they dgaf & you’re dumb if you think they do
You're not wrong, but framing it this way makes it seem like Trump take egg is _the_ issue.
Let's say they get egg prices back down to $2/dzn. All of the assaults on the rule of law, intentional destruction of the economy, and crippling of our federal gov't would STILL be _the_ big problems.
When a billionaire talks about a "little pain" that translates to death, financial ruin, sickness, and homelessness for regular folks b/c most are living paycheck to paycheck.
Your ability to talk to ANYONE regardless of party in a rational and unflappable way while addressing mis-/dis-information is impressive. Please do more of it!
Are eggs necessary nutrition? I get that some recipes require eggs only, while others can use substitutions. A friend used applesauce in a cake–was good.
I get that some folks may only be able to eat soft eggs, or have other specific health reasons. Plus the economy.
Us mere mortals can barely comprehend the scale of having billions of dollars
Billionaires can barely comprehend why anyone cares about 2 dollar eggs or 20 dollar eggs
That was a great interview, Pete. There aren’t many as smart, quick on your feet, and articulate as you are. (I still share that old Mike Wallace interview response on abortion from the ‘town hall’—the best yet, in my opinion.)
€2k base income per 14-10-2014 corrected for inflation and cost of living per country like I suggested on judgement day should do it, Pete. Oh and cap wealth at €30m (same etc).
Daniel:7. Checkmate.
just choose other foods. healthier options. people don't need to consume bird eggs, and our tax dollars to factory farms should not be subsidizing that habit.
You’re not still thinking about it are you? America needs you!!! You have everything we need. Smart, proper moral compass, knowledgeable about foreign affairs!
Especially when each kid has volunteered to bring the cupcakes for the class Party. And tells you this at dinner the night before. So you have to get the eggs at a convenience store where they're higher to begin with.
I know you have family that needs your time, and you & they deserve to have it. But PLEASE don’t stop going out and doing these appearances. Maybe think about doing them more frequently.
We need to see the whole thing. I thought I was recording the whole thing… But the network show started late and the recording stopped a couple minutes after Pete came on stage.
I maintain that any words about “a little discomfort” or it “might be tough” are hollow attempts to relate coming from a billionaire… for honest, hard working folk that still have their senses about them, those words are just a shiny spritz of gold paint on a steaming pile of poop.
What is frustrating is that when the poor and middle class have money, the billionaires get even richer. This is what happened after the pandemic. Why do they have to have it all?
"It's time for the Democrats to get tough, really tough. Trump won't stop his insults pointed at the left. Who is going to stand up for the Democrats and start hurling some rhetorical bombs at the Republicans? "
"If Democrats truly want to save the American democracy, then it's time they became more rebellious in their approach. Sitting in your chairs and holding up words on sticks isn't going to do it. What are they afraid of?" As respected personality, you have the authority to find a way to reach out to the Obamas, the Clintons, the Bidens, Bush and even the Cheneys, and find out how they will be regrouping ASAP to stop the madness. Their (complicit?) silence is as maddening…
The chicken farms are massive in the US compared to Canada, which means fewer birds culled in Canada and therefore more stable prices. Maybe the US should rethink their farming practices in this regard.
You're missing the point. The eggs are symbolic of the larger issue, aka a metaphor. The price of eggs is but a tiny part of it, but it's a concept everyone can understand. Pete's just simplifying it for the masses.
Or bacon $8 for 12 oz.. oj $5 a carton. A bag of frozen hashbrowns is $6. Breakfast used to be a cheap meal. Now it's a luxury. And yet they plan on cutting Snap for the poor, and these prices are just gonna continue to increase.
Please run for political office We need Democrats that will fight for America I'm sorry but Senator Schumer and Leader Jeffries need to step up If they won't they should resign I was disappointed in most Democrats last night Make good trouble as Rep John Lewis used to say
yes, how dare they!!!. tonight trump sits down to a big mea and cake... he knows nothing....a "little inconvenience" means a lot more to those who struggle.
Given the daily awful news from the White House, imagine a Daily Opposition Press Briefing by Pete Buttigieg.
Get him a staff and a space to fit all the press that would flock there (starting with the Associated Press). He would mop the floor with trump’s lies and scandals and grifts.
Get some chickens in your backyard. Baby chicks=$10 each X 6=$60. Chicken pen that will protect them=$180. minimum. Lights and heater for baby chicks=$100. Chick feed and chicken feed=$50 a month, increasing. It's 5-6 months before they lay eggs. You are not saving money getting your own chickens.
You must do a daily press conference to tell the Americans what is up! I think they're Ready. Democrats have to get new ideas and they have to be OUT-OF-THE-BOX! Stop the usual 'Democrats grabbing our pearls', it's time to break the F*cking pearls! Got it?!?
It's a great argument, but it also puts into perspective the VAST difference between a working class citizen and a billionaire and how much money they have.
Normal people have a really hard time with understanding how much a billion is in regards to wealth.
It would take a person who makes $100k/year after taxes 10,000 years to make $1 billion. Musk was shown to be worth hundreds of billions. This is a major problem and people need to stop worshiping them as anything less than mentally ill individuals with borderline personality disorders.
They don't care, this was not about the economy. It was about hate. They knew what they were voting for, this is why a lot of them don't care about having to feel the pain that much.
This - exactly. It was never about inflation or eggs (which is caused by a virus, not politics,but many don’t believe that either). I live in an area that has many folks who are more than financially comfy. Some are not shy about their views; others just say nothing. They worship Trump like he’s 1/2
TBH - Sadly, most will only realize that there is a problem when it effects them personally. If THEY lose their job. If THEY lose their Medicare/Social Security. If THEY can't afford their prescriptions. If THEY see grocery prices rise due to tariffs.
A billionaire would not care if eggs were $100. I haven't bought eggs in months because I refuse to pay more than $3 for a dozen. I'm excited about my weight loss over the next few years because I can't afford to eat.
Same. I don’t care about not paying taxes on income or whatever. We shouldn’t be paying more for anything, even for the basic necessities. I’m starting to grow produce at home because I refuse to pay more.
Sorry the ~$10 eggs are less of a concern than the $4.5 trillion tax-cut the wealthy are stealing by dismantling our government and running our deficit up even higher.
can you please hold town halls and rally’s in some red city’s or all of them please! bring AOC and a new person each time keep it fresh. Talk truth to power! please. Trump campaigned for 4 years
You are so good at this. So much better than all the pink suits, pingpong paddles, and disappointed dad looks we saw last night. With the exception of, Democrats in Congress are not meeting the moment! Please, please, please show them how to communicate and fight back!
There's a New World Order brewing and you're concerned about eggs? If you do nothing, subjugation, misery, despair and poverty will replace eggs in your priority scale very soon.
Don't get mad, I do much of my bulk stuff via Amazon due to disability, but... use the following 2 instead of buying eggs. Good company that is employee owned.
One is a regular egg replacer, and the other is vegan.
You can also use alternatives like JUST EGG.
Trump wants all the working poor and middle class to bear some discomfort but the wealthy, Elon, Bezoz,and all those billionaires don't have to feel ANY discomfort!
$10 eggs don't even begin to register with the wealthy. FFS, Trump thought he was a genius for "a word, a beautiful word, "groceries," no one ever thought, and I came up with the word." Which tells us he has never gone grocery shopping in his life.
actually mr b, billionaires don’t give a solid shit about the price of anything because they can afford it NO MATTER WHAT; if they’re resentful about the price however: they’ll buy who makes it or destroy it.
Republican voters don't give a shit and they never did. They judge Trump's success by how much he hurts the people they don't like. They're all cheering because they want this. The cost of eggs was never a factor.
Also, eggs are ingredients in many things. The $ of cakes (made w/ eggs) has gone way up; so we started buying ice cream cakes. They raised those prices too because greed. A simple round 2-layer birthday used to be $15, now it is unaffordable for working families to have a birthday cake.
Yes!!!!! Please do, and share it with some math brains. My niece chairs a math dept and her sister teaches so…
This is a good overview (but more stats are on the YouTube channel).
You were so well spoken last night, never giving to name calling and the other BS that is deterring us from a central position. Hoping you are going to lead the way out of this mess.
Disapponted in your tepid response. Waiting for someone in the Democratic Party to offer a rousing and full-throated defense of progressivism and denounce the anti-democratic actions of this President
And then the lady that said to solve the egg problem just buy some chickens. What? Girl if I can’t afford to buy the eggs how am I supposed to buy the chickens and take care of them? Plus I in a $1700 a month one bedroom apartment. Where do I put them. That girl is crazy
And 'raising' chickens for eggs is not only a non starter for most, it doesn't make economic sense. If you can't afford eggs, you can't afford a copy, chicks, feed and bedding. That's coming from someone of privilege that has no idea what it takes to raise chickens
When is the last time any of them grocery shopped? Another key item we’re not talking about. They have staff for that. We don’t. Trump does an all you can eat buffet ever day.
Yep. Egg prices are absolutely insane here in NC. Starting to wonder if my crazy family had the right idea of gathering up and buying animals and arable land. I have no idea how the heck I'm going to be able to eat at all soon. Wife and kids eat first in my book.
Nail on the head. The cost of daily goods are not proportional to your income, therefore the rich don’t care when gas crosses $4 a gallon. But the middle class sure notices the hit.
So... Is rural America paying attention? Trump doesn't care about you and he never did. He lied to you and used you. Like the narcissist he is. Can we put the hate aside for 5 minutes and do what's Good for everyone and not just the billionaires.
I know many have asked, but I decided to also throw my support behind you starting a fact and law based YouTube show where you and other intelligent people discuss law and resistance. Please do this for us!
Can you please hold town hall meetings across the country? I know you want a break from public life but we need your brilliance and leadership during these very challenging times.
I think the Dems need leadership. It's nice to see Pete stepping up.
I'm doing my part running for US Congress in Michigan's 5th District- I'll get Tim Walberg off his ass and host town halls- especially for people who disagree with me!
This is fucking stupid Trump literally pump and dumped with a crypto coin for billions, he has his own stock that's publicly traded, and Elon musk bank rolled his election to the tune of over 200 million dollars. How the fuck does this even matter?
Don’t be a moron of course what they’re doing is worse, but the Democrats are not “good eggs”and most people know that. That’s why they lost the election. A slow march or a sprint to fascism still ends up with fascism and the Democrats have done nothing over the last 30 years to stop it.
Obviously people do care. People don’t want a party that takes billions from corporations. Even one that pretends to be progressive but can’t even enact legislation that’s broadly popular like right to repair.
Many cultures for millennia have and continue to farm ducks for their eggs. This shouldn't be a radical idea for Americans, but if Americans didn't have something to complain about they'd have nothing.
Attn: DEMS
If you’re at ALL INTERESTED in saving our Republic pay attention.
1. ID Congressional districts that can be turned in ‘26.
2. ID ‘26 US Senate races that can be won.
3. If successful be huge PIA’s blocking far Right agenda.
4. Look to ‘28 Presidential election with Mayor Pete to win
Stop taking about the price of eggs. There are much more pressing issues! Like our freedom and safety from dictators and mad men! Are you just trying to dumb it down for mass appeal? P.S. I’m your biggest fan…keep calling them out!!!!
The price of eggs are up due to bird flu. If he wants to talk about inflation and alienating our allies with ineffective tariffs then I welcome that!!!!
Ppl on snap got a pandemic boost for awhile (i ate two meals a day!) & during/after that prices steeply climbed. Then the pandemic boost was canceled WHILE. PRICES. KEPT. CLIMBING. People life me can't eat dinner every day of the month on what we recieve as is.
No snap boost tho?
Just starve. 🤷♀️
Lol, acrtually they're going ALSO planning CUT snap! Currently i have $4.90 A DAY to buy all the food for every meal in a month.
How do you think poor people are going to survive (litterally) on even less than that while prices go up 50-75%?
Exactly. We need to be stockpiling as much as possible for our communities immediately. Set up radio channels we can use when the grid goes out. Planning feels good it feels like hope
Thank you, Pete- for average real people it is a big issue!! No Easter Egg hunt for the kids this year… we’ll put some jelly beans in some plastic eggs😠
They have no clue what ANYTHING costs because they never have to shop.
Until you can impress upon the American people why that's bad and why they should mobilize to defend against it, no amount of talk about groceries will matter.
It’s like the US is now a social program for Bond Villains.
🦅🇺🇸 God bless the democratic people of the USA! Follow me!
inconvenienced by any price increases for anything. Their lifestyles will not be changed or affected in any conceivable way.
you are such a great politician … you understand the assignment so well & are so well spoken.
thank you for speaking!!
And, yes... Pete is one of the good guys.
But is doing what they can
So that should change a few districts across the country
For wider leadership we will definitely need others from other countries too
And you know that, Pete, so please stop.
Let's say they get egg prices back down to $2/dzn. All of the assaults on the rule of law, intentional destruction of the economy, and crippling of our federal gov't would STILL be _the_ big problems.
I get that some folks may only be able to eat soft eggs, or have other specific health reasons. Plus the economy.
Trying to understand better.
Billionaires can barely comprehend why anyone cares about 2 dollar eggs or 20 dollar eggs
Daniel:7. Checkmate.
If there’s a sane voice out there, it’s you.
Keep up the good fight.
Pays $180,000yr
Nobody ever wants to leave they're elected job. It's cushy, lots of perks, paid by lobbyists etc. You ever think why Republicans run until they're 90
If your area is saturated with people running for office, move #TakeBackAmerica
#Doge #Fired #TeslaTakedown
Step up!!!!
It's time.
You're the only one, I see, who can whip JV's smug ass on that debate stage.
a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
- Det jeg så det i tv, blev jeg enig med mig selv om, at det skal jeg simpelthen ikke over og støtte, siger Kennet Brask
It's absurd.
Get him a staff and a space to fit all the press that would flock there (starting with the Associated Press). He would mop the floor with trump’s lies and scandals and grifts.
Normal people have a really hard time with understanding how much a billion is in regards to wealth.
What? Billionaires have more money? Who knew!
One is a regular egg replacer, and the other is vegan.
You can also use alternatives like JUST EGG.
You also don't need it.
we are currently in the “destroy it” stage.
And that's why billionaires (or the billionaire wanna-bes) should not be given a chance to run a country
Bill Clinton won.
🎯 the Gilded Age versus the “Golden Age”
🎯 messaging around #Robberbarons2025
🎯 election protection strategy now!
This is a good overview (but more stats are on the YouTube channel).
You are awesomeness
Mr. Buttigieg 😁
I'm doing my part running for US Congress in Michigan's 5th District- I'll get Tim Walberg off his ass and host town halls- especially for people who disagree with me!
Ducks and seagulls are free, you can just take them. Instant egg factories!
It's that snake head that geese have.
If you’re at ALL INTERESTED in saving our Republic pay attention.
1. ID Congressional districts that can be turned in ‘26.
2. ID ‘26 US Senate races that can be won.
3. If successful be huge PIA’s blocking far Right agenda.
4. Look to ‘28 Presidential election with Mayor Pete to win
The purple party!
No snap boost tho?
Just starve. 🤷♀️
How do you think poor people are going to survive (litterally) on even less than that while prices go up 50-75%?
MOCs job afford them so much privilege that they are far removed from the realities of life for regular people.
Dems decided the price of eggs wasn't the biggest issue for voters. Now voters see republicans make the same decision.