Yep. And the headline shouldn't be that SS "is breaking down." It should be that the federal leadership "is intentionally breaking it down."
This isn't a passive eventuality. It is deliberate action by the administration that will knowingly bring harm to Americans.
For this and so many other things - impeach and begin the long process of reform. All Americans need to demand an end to this mockery of our ideals. This administration is disastrous.
It allows people to retire, and sometimes retire earlier than they would like. Mainly, it's a government program designed to help people who may not have the most money, and they don't think those people deserve to be helped.
This was what 77 million people voted for. In the months prior to the election democrats including myself tried telling republican voters this would happen. They knew and voted for him anyway. American citizens are under attack from their own government. Thanks republicans.
I am traveling in Europe and met some fellow Americans that work over here for the government and are retiring at the end of April and flying home. Total disaster trying to sign up from here and get someone on the phone!
So you post an article with a misleading title from a newspaper owned by Project 2025 donator, Jeff Bozo? No. Social Security is NOT breaking down. The Fascist Regime is PURPOSELY DESTROYING IT! What are you doing today to STOP THEM??
They've been fighting to reverse every step we've made to progress since the revolution...
You and your pathetic DNC leadership now opened the door to let them!!!
If they had any honor, the DNC leaders would have been on the steps of the Jefferson memorial on inauguration day committing suicide!!
You are part of the establishment democrat leadership that was so pathetic that you let this all happen!!!
You and your colleagues have one opportunity to push the progressives to DNC leadership or the democrats will never win another election ever again!!!
These are the Leaders the people demand!!
It'll always be crazy to me how bad Republicans can be and still get voted into office, even going so far as to torch all the most popular government programs
And people in the “FLYOVER STATES” don’t know because all of these articles are behind paywalls. If you don’t subscribe to the WP, Axios, NYTs, etc., you can’t read it. And they barely have money for groceries. So how are they going to afford $$$ to read facts? They only know what is on Fox News.
They, meaning the oligarchs and the people behind the Heritage Foundation, Koch conglomerate,, want to return to a time before there was a social safety net and unions and pensions and worker safety laws and minimum wage. They don’t pay into Social Security because the rate cap is $178,100.
By decimating the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Department of the U.S. (aka IRS), DOGE is bankrupting us. Do viable businesses destroy their AR departments? Anyone who has studied MANAGEMENT knows the DIFFERENCE between BEING EFFICIENT and BEING EFFECTIVE.
The breakdown of the SSA is precisely what the musk/trump criminal organization intends. Anyone who believes that SS benefits will not be cut back by the musk/trump criminal organization is living in a dreamworld where the criminal organization cares about the working, everyday people of America.
It’s not just about breaking Social Security, it’s about murdering all the people that depend on Social Security. The less people in this country, the easier it will be to rule them.
Since the ‘benefits’ I am slated to receive are based on the hundreds of thousands that I have paid in over the last 40+ years plus interest and they want to ‘privatize’, can I expect to receive a check for $1M in the near future? If not, I’m going to sue the fed for theft.
If they break Social Security you will be a shoe in for President. Even MAGA over 65 won't vote for him. Get on the FoxNews and charm those Republicans, Pete. The future is yours!
😡this will destroy millions of lives.
Decades ago before SS many elderly and poor relied on family members or lived in poor housing, and food from charities.
SS saved us and now they want to destroy us! We can’t let them! FIGHT LIKE HELL!
Mongol reporter at the sack of Baghdad:
“Baghdad society is breaking down; men, women, even children are dying in droves. Houses are broken into and valuables are being taken. Mountains of skulls are appearing.”
This administration is stealing money from hard working people. My parents worked very hard to some day retire, and recieve the benefits they paid into. Now wealthy non American is taking that away. WHY???
Don't worry. I'm sure Pete Buttigieg and McKinsey have a privatization solution to 'save' Social Security.
Sorry, guys. I don't trust this weasel. I remember him running on "Medicare for All who want it." In other words, he will chameleon himself for power. This is about his hope to be president.
They have the capability of convincing MAGA of anything they want. They’ve already convinced them that Ukraine bad, Russia good. Also that t”Dept of Ed is bad. That NOAA is bad. VOA is bad. The list goes on and on. Of course, they will be able to convince them that social security is bad as well.
They don't like Social Security because the rich pay into a system that they believe doesn't benefit them, and really, if you have the idea to someday stop working and enjoy your remaining years, you're of no use to them anymore. Oligarchy is here.
Disagree. They don't like social security because it benefits the citizens and not them. They're all greedy and want that money for themselves. Nothing but a bunch of common thieves.
As noted in the article, this sort of chaos creates opportunity for scammers and fraud. It harms legitimate beneficiaries and those who need routine assistance with a replacement card or just have a basic question. I feel for the staff answering the phones too. They *will* leave. Who would stay?
The GOP has wanted to "Privatize" Social Security for a long time. First I remember was George W Bush; and the American people, rightfully, rejected we should now.
Just think about what would have happened to your SS if it had been "in the market" when everything crashed in 2008!
Dems need to be taking this message out to the people directly the way AOC & Bernie are doing. Holding town halls and rallies everywhere especially in deep red territory. Wake this country TF up!
They don't like us to have any security. Financial or otherwise. Crypto bros need that $. Thanks for all you do, Pete! The voice of sanity & stability in these nightmarish times.
Pete I trust you to stand up for all the Americans who have paid real and significant money into this system. My paycheck continues to be siphoned (for the past 42 years) every month into FICA taxes to pay this benefit.
Yes, since they can't cut it without pissing off the base, they'll starve it, break it.
Kinda like the right has always treated Amtrak: fund it with a pittance and then say, "see, it sucks".
Who’s the new commissioner that will take charge obviously Les Dudek the traitor who gave Elon Musk access to SS is being replaced AFTER being a loyal loyal trump soldier
And remember, they don’t need to abolish it. Just cripple it enough for it to cave in on itself or give them enough BS data to say that branch is ineffective
They are breaking social security because their voters want them to burn down the government. And maga voters are too ignorant to understand how that will ultimately harm them along with the rest of us.
But my question is why don’t they like it? Is it because the company’s you work for put in a portion? Looks to me like they just want to take it for themselves.
Republicans opposed the #SocialSecurity Act of 1935, saying it went beyond federal powers & was socialism. 1983 Regan started taxing benefits, raised the retirement age of 65 to 67 & let the govt raid surpluses for spending instead of saving for future benefits. 2005 GW Bush tried to privatize it.
Reagan was able to convince people it would disappear. Musk may be what saves it, because it was so blatant, it might get people's attention. Rs have been passing the lie about SS since 1980. We have Donnie cause of the Rs lies. They haven't stopped lying yet.
Already clients are emailing and calling me that they can't access their benefits on the website, can't get a phone number for a local office, 4-5 hour waits at local offices.
If they break Social Security, it will plunge the entire nation into total financial chaos.
And they don't not like Social Security because they are strictly 2-way transactional people with no empathy, no honor. "I give you something if you give me something back (like work)". Seniors and disabled can't do that. Therefore they see SS as a handout of their personal $ tax money with no ROI.
The sociopathic billionaires who run this government have no idea and do not care to know what it is like to rely on Social Security payments to keep one out of poverty during the final years.
The ones who don’t like Social Security won’t be using it because they are rich. They won’t depend on it for their retirement. They don’t have any vested interest in it because of the income cap they have placed on it, or had a hand in getting the income cap put in place.
I don't think portapotty understands that less wealthy people that want their money and wish to retire WILL sit and wait. And if they have an 'accident' in the lobby, oh well. Not their problem. And if this is to make them open online ( which it obviously is), this is the generation that learned...
We need a Project 2028 Plan that actually FUNDS SS. Stop with the limping along with it, always on life support. Fund it! Remove the salary cap and place a cap on the benefit. Tax 100 percent of everyone’s salary. Pretty simple!!
🤬 And now, a “classic” New England🖕🏻”message” from 💞 “Norman” 🧓🏻 and “Ethyl” 👵🏻 Thayer #OnGoldenPond 🛶 to 🤬 #tRUmp🤡 and his complicit 🤬 #GOP #MAGAts 🧟♂️🧟👇🏻
Everyone please download a copy of your statement from so you have a copy of how much you have paid in for your own records. Don't assume they won't wipe that data at some point. This is your money.
They better pay every penny that every person has put into it whether or not they are retirement eligible. This is OUR money not for the fraudulent billionaires who could never understand what living paycheck to paycheck means. Disgraceful behavior from classless republicans and especially Elon Musk
NONE of them have a right to touch ANY of it. It was provided from the people, for the people! Even if they don’t touch the money, they are closing locations and forcing elderly to go in person to fight for what is right fully theirs.
We are in transition from a bureaucracy to a democracy, that is a big change, bumps, bruises and trauma are part of the process. Ingraham Angle 3-14-25: Skip to 13:01 for interview with VP Vance as he tells us President Trump wants to make Social Security and Veterans benefits better - see online
They are gutting it so that it will be destroyed along with all our government departments. We must continue to protest to protect our Democracy and our rights.
At its inception, Social Security didn’t cover most African Americans. Over time, through policy changes, the program evolved into a critical source of income for African American families & reduced economic disparities between African black & white families. That’s their problem w/ Social Security.
security for those in precarity upsets the fat, wealthy, comfortable, and powerful--they want everyone nervous and off-balance--makes us easier to control, to divide and make us fight each other instead of them. Oh, they prattle on about ponzi schemes and moral hazard, but it's really invidiousness.
Yes. Dems should reframe the issue. Not “Republicans want to cut Social Security” - but instead, “Republicans are breaking Social Security to the point of collapse and eradication”
Right and they lie says right on the White House website that President Trump will not touch Social Security. He might have his co-president musk might.
I know it seems foolish, but both can be true. Make sure she checks the dates on the letters. Just because they arrive the same day does not mean they were sent the same day
Can you "gift" the WaPo article for us to read, please? Fewer of us these days are willing to give our $$ to Jeff Bezos, although we treasure the work of his legacy newsroom. Sorry
I don't believe they can touch, steal, from the trust fund with our money in it. However, they can greatly disrupt service and funds distribution via the Social Security Administration department of the Federal Government that manages the Program. Their purpose? Impossible to comprehend.
#truth more and more people are showing up, fighting back and protesting…but will that be enough to make any single #GOP change the course of this deplorable act? Seniors disabled and children who receive Social Security are distressed 😫 scared 😱 and worried 😦
Exactly. My concern is the gap between them destroying SS and it being reinstated. Even temporary stops in pymt means no access to Medicare. Both mean homelessness, lack meds, extreme harm. No meds for me = death. It is terrifying.
It’s sad that we’re effectively waiting around for those who’ll be the most negatively affected by DOGE to notice their situation and apply political pressure or join democrats in protest.
Do you know who else is waiting around for this “rock bottom”? Putin and Yarvin followers like Thiel.
I know corporations can declare bankruptcy but I refuse and will declare war if this Republican government declares bankruptcy to steal our lifetime social security investment.
All social security funds stays with social security. That’s not Government money. That money belongs in the social security fund and any money that was borrow taken whatever needs to be put back.
And look who is trying to vote against Social Security,the worlds richest man, millionaire and billionaire cabinet members, millionaire congressman and senators, multimillionaire,TV host and radio host all which do not need and probably will take the money from Social Security, but say get rid of it
"Acting commissioner Leland Dudek said the changes in question would usually take two years to implement, but will be made in two weeks instead, the two sources said, on condition of anonymity due to fears of retaliation.
Dudek acknowledged the policy could increase fraud risks for beneficiaries, according to one attendee. He said in the past Social Security had been too "thoughtful" in considering beneficiaries before making changes. 👈 tell me you have no fucking soul without telling me you have so fucking soul.
On Tuesday the Senate Finance Committee is holding a hearing with Trump's nominee for Social Security commissioner, Frank Bisignano, the CEO of financial technology firm Fiserv and a Republican donor.
They are purposely breaking it so they can swoop in and privatize it and take our money we have paid into the system for years just to line their pockets even more like they don't already have more than enough. It's fucking disgusting and we must put an end this assault on literally all of us!
I remember an orange Cheeto looking fellow saying he was not going to touch Social Security. Someone told him Social Security is a woman so he just went after that and grabbed it by the pussy apparently. I'm on Social Security disability and will be homeless if I don't get my check every month.
This is true. The government is continuously borrowing from it. The problem stems from the fact that there may no longer be “funding” for it. Aka- these morons in the Trump regime stole the money from us.
And yes, I am one of the people who helped report this info to the media. I am not afraid of the Trump administration. I have worked for SSA and the federal government for almost 15 years. Stuff it, TRUMP ADMINS!! 🖕
They want an excuse to get rid of it or privatize it. They are attempting to run the government like a business. Governments aren’t supposed to make a profit. Everything doesn’t have to make a profit!
So when do we the people get to stop paying in? It is not voluntary, it is taken from our pay. How can we stop paying in? If the thieves are taking it straight from our labor and we are no longer represented. No taxation without representation right?
Simple! Give us all the money we paid to Social Security in cash (tax free) and allow us to manage our own money. Then you can get rid of the SSA and Republicans can call this a "win". I will be awaiting my $144,000 check.
There is no tackling trump until you tackle his Idolatrous base. They made him infallible, made his word gospel, and totally golden calf him. God sent them Covid and he killed them calling it a hoax!
They don’t like social security being paid out to people who paid in. They want it to go to themselves and other billionaires by the millions and billions. George W Bush stole $1.3 billion from social security and gave it to his friends. These guys are going to steal it all.
You know what would help? High profile people like you asked Chuck Schumer to step down as minority "leader" and allow someone who can rally an opposition to lead. They are going to break Medicaid too and Chuck voted for it.
People are doing things. The marches are getting to them. When the boycotts hurt major companies they are pushing back. Vance and Musk are at each others throats. Trump is threaten by Musk. We just need to continue the pressure and this will end
People need to do something!! Waiting for someone to save you isn’t an option anymore.
JFK quote: “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”
“Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” John Lewis
Maybe they’re so rich & out of touch with ordinary people that we need to break it down for them. Imagine if Mar-a-Lago cut its staff, shut down most of its check-in desks, and insisted every guest had to check in, in person. No online booking, no keyless entry, just endless lines and chaos.
They are breaking social security because they've promised 4.5 trillion dollars of tax cuts to the wealthy.
The bulk of government spending is in Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and Defense. Bush took 1.37 trillion out of SS for wealthy tax cuts too.
Yea - but - the courts are Pres. Dump's favorite place! Just ask the many construction subs that tried to hold him to his obligations for his many failed projects! (What really amazes me is how many of them then went and VOTED for him after he screwed them over!)
I think there should be a lawsuit for the emotional harm being done now. The stress of not knowing; leaders threatening shut ir down/delay, being called parasites and worthless. Stress is killing me.
And here we the americans stand helpless because our spineless representatives have and continue to fail us and provide for the billionaires!! The Divided States of America, this muskrat and its pack need to be eradicated
In typical fashion. Conservatives call SS #Entitlements because they know precisely how the word will hit the ears of their easily offended, poor, working class constituents. For to call it what it REALLY is, a #ReturnOnInvestments would make too much sense, and would see those politicians ousted.
They are breaking it because they want everything for themselves. They will shift more money into their own pockets. Billionaires need to go. They are ruining our country
There’s more. Republicans are breaking #SocialSecurity to justify privatization so some billionaires can raid the trust fund and risk our hard earned money in the market because they have never liked Social Security.
Let's be clear Pete ,they're DROOLING over the 2.7 TRILLION IN UNITED STAES BONDS invested by Social security. They plan on raiding the fund IF THEY CAN .
During the height of the pandemic, Republicans suggested people let grandma die to save the economy. None of them have become more compassionate since then. Surprise, they still want your "unproductive" elders dead.
The billionaires and millionaires running our government want to be free from the 6.2% required match. Imaging how much more money they would make if they didn’t have to match the employee contribution.
This isn't a passive eventuality. It is deliberate action by the administration that will knowingly bring harm to Americans.
Is it because it allows people to retire?
Is it because Congress borrows so much money from it that just the interest in paying us back is burdensome?
Is it because they want to make money off investing our money?
It just seems like they decided it’s a bad idea to therefore it is a bad idea with no more rationale than that.
You and your pathetic DNC leadership now opened the door to let them!!!
If they had any honor, the DNC leaders would have been on the steps of the Jefferson memorial on inauguration day committing suicide!!
You and your colleagues have one opportunity to push the progressives to DNC leadership or the democrats will never win another election ever again!!!
These are the Leaders the people demand!!
Decades ago before SS many elderly and poor relied on family members or lived in poor housing, and food from charities.
SS saved us and now they want to destroy us! We can’t let them! FIGHT LIKE HELL!
“Baghdad society is breaking down; men, women, even children are dying in droves. Houses are broken into and valuables are being taken. Mountains of skulls are appearing.”
Sorry, guys. I don't trust this weasel. I remember him running on "Medicare for All who want it." In other words, he will chameleon himself for power. This is about his hope to be president.
This is government of the billionaires, by the billionaires,for the billionaires.
Just think about what would have happened to your SS if it had been "in the market" when everything crashed in 2008!
How can we help support and defend SSA?
Kinda like the right has always treated Amtrak: fund it with a pittance and then say, "see, it sucks".
If they break Social Security, it will plunge the entire nation into total financial chaos.
Medicare was first with the introduction of Medicare Advantage. Now Social Security.
Next up is the United States Postal Service.
Here is the easy proof.
What does Trump do that hurts Americans?
What does Trump do that hurts Russians?
🤬 #HandsOffOurSocialSecurity
Please try the open letter that I refer to. It’s fun, sbarky, and short.
Billionaires in our federal government, hands off Social Security!
The party that mewled about valuing Life, values it the LEAST.
Start screaming at the roof tops bro
21 months till mid terms
That’s it.
No thanks.
They will kill it over my dead body.
Because killing it will ultimately kill me.
And killing VA will kill my dad
Here we are, MAGA—You going to let them actually kill old ppl like those made-up “death panels that they pretended were in ACA?
Every accusation they make is to cover their asses when they do it
They’ll kill it over my dead body.
Because if they kill it, my body will die.
so they are intentionally going to F it up as much as possible
Yesterday my sister n law got 2 letters from Social Security!
1st said she would get raise from $300 to $500!
2nd said she was not eligible for Social Security!
The Chaos is at hand!
Do you know who else is waiting around for this “rock bottom”? Putin and Yarvin followers like Thiel.
in their plans for world domination. 🙈🥺
Can we get rid of them? 🤷♀️
JFK quote: “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”
“Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” John Lewis
The bulk of government spending is in Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and Defense. Bush took 1.37 trillion out of SS for wealthy tax cuts too.
They want the money for themselves.
It's Ronald Reagan-era Republican propaganda that taught us to hate the word, precisely because he wanted to make it unpopular so he could end it.
This has been a 40 year plan in the works.