YOU NEED TO GET IN THE STREETS LIKE LES MIZ, OR I DIUBT ANY 2028 WILL HAPPEN. Don’t demand a Black Woman do all the dirty work without your backup like you just did in 2024!
This has been true for quite awhile now, but made even more clear next to the shrinking violets and capitulators amongst them. They’re strong, intelligent and great communicators
In the animal kingdom, it’s the lioness who does most of the hunting and has the superior killer instincts. We can learn much from nature if we are willing to listen. I for one have had more than enough of the failing patriarchy. Let the lionesses deal with these putrifying fart bags.
There are also gay animals - perfectly natural and normal, but hey ho, let's pick and choose bits of a fictional book to justify hating them. The animal kingdom is so much better than humanity!
Agree but look at elections and notably the last one.
53% of women voted for this orange buffoon instead of a woman I mean WDF !!!
It’s like a cultural imprint to follow white men regardless of how stupid and hollow and silly they sound if there’s a woman opposite
Good, don't you know they have caused some ketchup flinging on some walls. He cannot stand smart women who don't put up with bully crap from anyone. Both also know how to handle mtg. But then women do know how to get things done and not mansplain things to death.
What about Bernie Sanders? You left him out. 83 and still kicking MAGA asses. He kick started the Stop the Oligarchy tour and filled stadiums. AOC joined him later.
While I love and respect Bernie for getting out there and rallying first, AOC and Crockett have been speaking out about this for months. Bernie walked so leaders like AOC and Crockett could run. We need young, strong and new thinking leadership in office. Kuddos to Bernie for killing it at 83 though
Excuse me but Bernie has been speaking out about this for 44 fucking long years long before they were even born. Yes it is time for the youth but it is HIGH TIME Bernie is recognized for the hero he is! There will never be another Bernie Sanders or John Lewis! Kudos to Jasmine and AOC! FIGHTERS!
I kind of love it that the loudest and strongest fighters are symbolic of the people who will suffer most under a fat fucking orange buffoon ...
The elderly, POCs, and African Americans. Also, Pete Buttiegieg representing the LGBTs.
I was thinking the same thing. 😔 Thought we had it with VP Harris. Boy, was I wrong. She was everything we needed and look what we ended up with. I’m afraid the same would happen if Pete Buttigieg ran…..for different reasons.
Bernie's chance for the presidency was undermined by the DNC in 2015 after he won the Nevada primary. Unfortunately, they revived Biden, who had faded into obscurity, and circled the money wagons around him. They could not tolerate the idea of a Social Democrat occupying the Oval Office.
Yeah, but can our patriarchal society ever vote for a woman president? So far, no. They voted for the orange monster twice rather than accomplished, qualified women. 🤷♀️
Yep! It’s depressing to think about how many women didn’t like Kamala Harris because she laughed too much. I even know people who have law enforcement backgrounds that stood against her. It’s like a fever dream.
AOC rocks!! I think there’s no going back to the Dem party or America as we knew it before Trump-Musk
We either become an authoritarian oligarchy or we move to the broader social contract that most advanced countries have with their people. Let’s fight to make this second outcome a reality! 💪
What good is a progressive democrat in the WH w/ a MAGA Congress & SC? POTUS can EO all day long, but how far would any of it get if every MAGA knew/old in 2028? If people don’t realize the magnitude on voting DOWN TICKET, we’re screwed again! It’s not ONLY the WH when U 🗳️! Party now, 🤔 when U vote!
Bernie has been in Congress House/Senate for 35 yrs. Out of 357, bills only 3 passed both chambers, signed by POTUS & became law. AOC has 0 bills that became law! Only w/co-sponsors, bi-partisan,bicameral has anything moved she’s supported! I’m glad they’re talking, but loud isn’t enough!
It’s refreshing to hear Democrats willing to fight, but I would like a democrat to tell people to think about who should be in the HR, the Senate! This is NOT a country ruled by a King! He who creates & makes the rules win the game! EO can be restricted by Congress so they’re not done or slowed down
Americans have shown they are not willing to put women in power.We have to play it smart and see if white men (wasps) like Andy Beshear and possibly James Talerico ( he may be Catholic) of Texas are willing to run then be committed to restoring equal rights for all. I love AOC and Jasmine Crockett!
Bernie is the best because you can see him just elevating AOC with every one of their fight oligarchs speeches. Bernie knows she’s the future. He’s exactly how all the older politicians should be.
I don't get a vote for minority leader. Just the Democrats in the Senate. They will pick one of their own who follows the party line not an independent with different ideas. Bernie ran as a Democrat for the primaries but the Dems chose Hillary. I was a delegat to the Texas state convention.
Plenty of people said the vote was rigged against Bernie by super-delegates and other undemocratic actions the party apparatchik took to elect Hillary; and guess what they fucked up giving US trumb.
He ran for the Democratic ticket and came second; rumors say that it was because superdelegates and the Democratic apparatchik put their thumbs in the process something that has been fixed. Regardless he is now the true leader of the party in the people’s eyes.
I thought these guys work for US; if we make enough noise he will step aside. Let’s remember it already happened with Biden when we started demanding he step down.
Biden stepped down because Democrats pushed him out and he says Nancy was the main one behind the push. The Senate vote for leader is private. They vote for who they feel they can work with the best. They vote for who they want. Thune even asked Trump not to intervene.
It was Democrats in the street who started demanding Biden step down after his disastrous debate performance and all the evidence he was not up for the job; the Democratic leadership did not demand it until weeks after the debate, look at the timeline.
And the only two with stomachs young enough to handle the hot sauces over at Hot Ones.
We need those two to do interviews over on Hot Ones and be the first politicians with the courage to risk fire in their mouths to tell necessary truths to the public.
My Representative in Congress is Melanie Stansbury - she's the one holding the sign "this is not normal" behind POTUS on the cover of the Guardian, after the nonSOTU. She's on the DOGE committed with Jasmine and Casar, to keep an eye on MTG. Reppin' the 505!
I couldn't agree more. Let's just hope by the time either one of those two choose to throw their hat in the ring for president this country is over its insane aversion to woman leaders.
It’s not just an aversion to women as leaders. There is still a lot of people in this country who have an aversion to POC as leaders. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t try to change that.
However, both of them would face racism and misogyny on a daily basis.
Ezra Klein of NYTimes stated on a recent podcast that we, Citizens are looking for a moderate. Now is our chance to do some very creative word play. Anyone RESISTing this administration will help to bring moderation!
Let go of the past and say hello to the present. Without dealing with what's here & now we have no future. Both parties have become stale and self serving in their approach and people aren't buying it.
Love it but it will not happen. Our patriarchal society right now will not go for it. If Dems run 2 women we will lose again. I hate it, but it is the truth. We were closer a decade ago than we are now. As 55 year old woman, I no longer believe I will see a woman POTUS in my lifetime It is shameful
They have qualities essential to the new Democratic who will take guardianship over our constitution’s preservation. We will return to a nation under the rule of law, not wanna be dictators.
People are looking for a leader who has a plan to stop what's happening in the US right now.
Sen. Sanders and Rep. AOC are doing an admirable job in raising awareness and getting huge crowds out to protest. They have earned our respect. But, it will take Carney & the Canadian alliance to end this.
We need men who are real leaders within men’s spaces to keep talking like that! When times of crisis arise, real leaders will speak the truth from the locker rooms to the board rooms and all the public spaces like this - I’m so thankful for men who respect merit and integrity! We all rise together.
Yes. They are *actual* leaders who know how to motivate and inspire hope, and they don't discriminate against regular ass people regardless of their political leanings. That's what a real public servant looks like.
Not just leaders. We need to clear out ALL of the neoliberals from the Dems. There is no excuse for an asshole with a head filled with plastic and the lust of money pretending to represent the people. Fuck the neolibs.
Yes, and any of the others that are not out front being heard need to resign and let someone who actually cares take over.
With a few exceptions I’m so disappointed in the democrats right now. They keep asking for $$ but won’t get out front and do anything.
Help resist! Borrow a MAGA hat. Go to a nearby town where they people don’t know you. Act as entitled and rude as well. Have fun with your shock and offend playtime. Go to an anti-MAGA rally afterwards. Don’t wear the hat there!
If it wasn’t such a sexist country I would say they are perfect but idk anymore after Kamala, even though I still they cheated… no way Trump wins all the swing states…
They have demonstrated unequivocally how a large majority of the Democratic leadership is bought and paid for by the wealthy and have little interest in helping the citizens of this country. They are doing a fine job exposing them and I pray it changes this party for the better
Bernie sanders AOC and all obey the democratic party line. ALL OF THEM ARE COLABORATORS. Party of the bourgeoisie democracy. Dictatorship of the rich.
53% of women voted for this orange buffoon instead of a woman I mean WDF !!!
It’s like a cultural imprint to follow white men regardless of how stupid and hollow and silly they sound if there’s a woman opposite
We are unanimous. Our generation needs to stand for something or stand down to this generation. Now.
We are all progressives now. The status quo is dead.
The elderly, POCs, and African Americans. Also, Pete Buttiegieg representing the LGBTs.
Chuck the Smuck is the worst
The Democrats must be united and speak with one united voice
It's time to Chuck Schumer
They won't give up power so easily
We either become an authoritarian oligarchy or we move to the broader social contract that most advanced countries have with their people. Let’s fight to make this second outcome a reality! 💪
I'd so vote for AOC/Crockett
Americans need to stop this "Well, the country's not ready for..." and "So and so could never win" BS.
Voters need to be courageous enough to take a chance on the next generation of Democratic leaders.
Playing it safe and maintaining the status quo got us where we are today.
Just like two time loser Bernie
IDK but seems he wouldn’t get a vote in party leadership, much less be a candidate for Leader?
Anybody knowledgeable about the political mechanics of this to know the answer?
There are 45 Dems and 2 Independents in the Senate. Are those 2 Indies voting members of the Senate Democratic Conference, or no?
Thats exactly what we need.
We are upending the status quo too.
We need those two to do interviews over on Hot Ones and be the first politicians with the courage to risk fire in their mouths to tell necessary truths to the public.
However, both of them would face racism and misogyny on a daily basis.
No guts, no glory.
Sen. Sanders and Rep. AOC are doing an admirable job in raising awareness and getting huge crowds out to protest. They have earned our respect. But, it will take Carney & the Canadian alliance to end this.
Unfortunately, we tend to get the leaders we deserve...on both sides of the aisle.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
With a few exceptions I’m so disappointed in the democrats right now. They keep asking for $$ but won’t get out front and do anything.
They won’t relinquish power.