People are enraged by health insurance denials because they arise when they are at their most vulnerable and least able to respond. Both physical and mental health matter to our ability to respond to the types of administrative demands that insurers rely on.
They were hoping having nearly died and now having a premie, I’d miss whatever window there was to appeal.
So… they “Noped” it just cause. Great.
All this while ALSO temporarily blind (rare side effect of preeclampsia) 🤬🤬🤬
Because a judge said 'we need to show an example' or something like that?
Bitches, the fact that our system only works for intelligent and articulate Self-advocates is a real serious problem.
Violence is inarticulate and salient
When there's no legal punishment for denying legit claims, they'll just keep doing it.
Fortunately for me, the madness didn’t impact my care and I’m 3 years cancer free.
The kicker is I spent my life being told my symptoms were anxiety, and that my pectus excavatum was just cosmetic. The surgery for which has absurdly high success and satisfaction rates, but is extremely
But ask me how many hours I spent fighting after my kid had a stroke.
Are they usually talking about having a relatively low deductible?
It seems like a misnomer to me.
In other words, an at-home wife.
With our medical systems