How many jobs do you work?
What is your net worth?
How rich is your family?
Why should any of us believe your bullshit that “the economy is great! Really!” ?
Home ownership is the wealth building activity of the middle class in America and has been for 70+ years. It's probably not an "investment" in the sense is illiquid and people don't trade in their homes frequently, but the home sale income exemption helps inventory.
Nobody made any bank, at least not an individual homeowner, because... Where are you going to get it from? Sure, I could sell my house for way more than I bought it for. But I can't buy a new one, because they're all priced ludicrously!
I hate to say it but the only comparable economy I can remember is the late 1990s. And this was what happened next - described in the most prescient article I can ever remember reading.
Yes, it was satire. It also came almost entirely true exactly as lampooned.
People are stuck blaming Democrats for home prices when it’s almost certainly their parents and grandparents who refuse to live near poor people and/or POC.
It's also impossibly frustrating to hear, since unemployment especially in tech is exhorbitantly high, and we're still being priced out of every market. I get paid well. I will *never* be able buy a newer home and I will likely never get another tech job.
There are lots of open tech jobs in the Midwest and Great Lakes region, which also has more affordable housing. Relocating doesn't appeal to everyone, though.
I just want to know who's doing *well* because the bulk of my friends are professionals in my industry and it sure as shit isn't any of us. And if we're doing badly I have no freaking idea how anyone else is surviving at all.
My choice is this election are continuing on our "everyone is doing so great! (And by everyone,we mean billionaires only)" path or literally give my country to a dictator who wants to exterminate my friends, so that's just fucking great
This is the proof. No other country had a shallower downturn from COVID or a more rapid recovery. Policy matters. And you don't get good policy unless smart, public-minded people win elections. As we did in 2020.
"Excess all-cause mortality in the USA was higher than in Europe for nearly all age groups, with an additional 44.1 excess deaths per 100,000 person years overall from 2020–2021. "
Just goes to show, it’s amazing what forcing people to literally work themselves to death in the face of a global health crisis can do for a country’s GDP
China has declared most of its economic indicators to be national security secrets and stopped publishing them because the economy has been so terrible for the past several years
Youth unemployment was 21.7% before China changed how it was reported. Even with the changes it's now 17.1%
In the one hand, our government did a ton of deficit spending for public purpose so the private sector can make its bank payments.
On the other hand, our government shouldn’t provide the dollars the private sector needs to make its bank payments.
What is your net worth?
How rich is your family?
Why should any of us believe your bullshit that “the economy is great! Really!” ?
Yeah I hate this part in particular. "Damn, if you owned a home before the pandemic or got one early on during it, you have made bank"
Housing should not be an investment, let alone a commodity.
Yes, it was satire. It also came almost entirely true exactly as lampooned.
In both cases, they assumed Biden would be blamed, and were largely correct!
Things are so great 🙄
framing it as "people don't wanna" isn't accurate
Thank you for elaborating on two of the potential reasons a person may have for not wanting to move.
"Excess all-cause mortality in the USA was higher than in Europe for nearly all age groups, with an additional 44.1 excess deaths per 100,000 person years overall from 2020–2021. "
been paying for all that "winning"? 👀
#CovidIsNotOver #SARSCoV2 #Covid19 #LongCovid
Youth unemployment was 21.7% before China changed how it was reported. Even with the changes it's now 17.1%
A housing market full of fraud!? Good thing we’re in America!
I'm glad your charts and graphs tell you things are great.
We still don't have paid sick leave while multiple pandemics spread.
He’s not wrong tho, I’m sure his economy is doing great. It’s just our economy that’s terrible