Columbia University is no longer a private university.
Reposted from
Nicole Holliday
Putting an academic department is receivership literally allows the government to dictate what Columbia University professors are allowed to teach and research. It’s the textbook definition of fascist control over education and what people are allowed to know.
20 USC 1232a
Do I send my kid to UF given DeSantis? How about Pitt or UMd? What about private schools like Case Western or BU?
What will burn? More importantly, what won’t?
A quarter-century ago, the university was looking to expand. It considered, and rejected, property owned by Donald Trump. He did not forget it.
U.S. subsidized atrocity abroad is the obverse side of facism at home in the U.S.
And when this hellish chapter in our history is over and they come back apologizing? Still no.
Their student body, parents, alumni and other donors need to find more worthy institutions for their money.
Sounds to me like Columbia university belongs to the public. As it is partially funded a/ our tax dollars. #wtf