This is the most out of touch headline I have seen for a few minutes - how many curries have I eaten with comedians ? MANY . I am very rare in comedy in not having a favourite football team. What an embarrassing headline - you know what is rare in comedy - being openly left wing
To be fair, the boy done well during his stint on the News Quiz recently.
...sad I didn't get to see your kemptown gig last night-i did hope to but life got in the way.
I hope it was a hoot! 🙏
To tell you the truth I never understand why they were Tories, I told them "you're too poor"
But too my shame I owe my life to that vile party because they met at the young conservatives!
The lads I know and go to football with would call out that shit in a minute
Describing yourself as a radical because you want to present as a no-nonsense, salt of the earth, ruddy bloody bloke is the MOST embarrassing thing I can think of.
"Can I SHOCK you? I like curry! Stick THAT in your pipe & smoke it!"
He’s been getting increasingly embarrassed by the politics he identifies with of late, and been quietly distancing himself from the madder stuff - but you get the impression he’s constantly recalibrating.
I like him. I find him funny and (unlike some on the Left) I can laugh at myself and my preferred party.
His witty appearance on the News Quiz last night made it clear he is no fan of Reform or the current Tories.
"I think the lockdown is an overreaction. But I'm not so confident in my position that I'd call anyone who disagrees with me an idiot."
He's hardly a trailblazer either way
That equality results in them losing power and status.
Things they don’t want to share.
So they invent all kinds of nonsense to rationalise their bullshit.
Madras is patriotic to the uk