We’re living through a fundamental shift in how discourse is created. Institutions once shaped a shared reality through discourse - imperfectly, but with structure. Now, that reality has splintered. In its place, engagement-driven ecosystems amplify whatever resonates, truth optional.
The Dakota hangings Dec 26 1862.
This was the same week that President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It is all built on lies. At best.
Strong presumption that we had a shared reality, and that it was a correct grasp on reality.
There's a reason we arrive in this pickle today.
In the end, it's all just social engineering.
How can we help this noosphere?!
I realize that our Nazis regime wants to shut down this platform.
Here’s mine. Ban all social media as profoundly destructive and destabilizing for democratic societies. It’s just a website at the end. There’s no real value. Humans will go on fine without it.
And honestly, it looks as though you American do not deserve anything better.
I.o.w.: get the f.. of the world stage.
- Americans are dumber
- America has a two party system. A lot more fragile than us, where parties can be booted out and never seen again. And lunatics (like AfD) are isolated
Uneducated ignorant citizens who believe in wild conspiracy theories like "Flat Earth" is soft spot of any democracy.
A threat.
Unless you making lying less profitable, you can't stop this from happening.
Seems even more relevant today.
I told him to tell them “if you think it can’t happen to you - you haven’t been paying close attention” Don’t let your media be polluted with disinformation
The constitution wasn't designed to / cannot deal with situations like this
Legitimate political power requires the ongoing consent of the people
Americans overthrew their government one time
No history book wrongs them for doing so
Pro democracy forces are very bad at unified messaging and that needs to stop.