I suspect your video did more to boost sales/streams of that song than any other media coverage of that song and album.
It would be interesting to chart things....
I believe Alan is Robin's dad. He composed a bunch of TV theme tunes but is more famous as a TV host. He did act some but I think hosting was more his thing.
I wish I'd explored the race angle a little bit more on the "Paula" Trainwreckord. Robin Thicke's audience was not just mostly women but mostly black women, and I'm sure Paula Patton helped him get an invite to the cookout and when he stepped out on a black woman it got revoked
full disclosure I had no idea Patton was black until now, though i'd wager i'm not the only person who didn't know and that might be another reason why he achieved stardom like he did-he dated someone light-skinned enough to pass for white so he was able to avoid the inter-racial racists mostly.
The ladies really own this moment. We’re a long way from Usher, Maxwell, Ne-yo and even Robin in their prime.
did he?
It would be interesting to chart things....
(Is that the right joke? Am I doing this right?)
didn't alan sing and act?