I’ve been married for 4 years now and I’m glad we’ve agreed there are 2 gender roles in the marriage: the one who wraps the presents and the one who kills the spiders
I don't understand why I can't do this simple task in a way that passes muster for other people. It looks fine to me but everyone is laughing all the time at how bad it is.
Love the fact that men seem to be able to control every damn thing on this planet, but they can’t figure out how to fold some fucking paper around a box.
imagine being not only bad at wrapping (despite years of trying to improve, i'm somehow still both slow and sloppy), but bad at *choosing the gifts themselves* - disappointment inside and out!
My brother once worked in the Bloomingdale's gift wrap dept. You can imagine the result. Me, I buy gift bags. I'm also the guy who carefully opens packages, however I don't save the wrapping paper.
Wrapping presents is dumb. The gift will (or will not) be a surprise whenever they see it - adding three seconds and a special layer around it does nothing. Acceptable practice only if the present is for a child, and even then I don't like it.
To say nothing of the environmental impact. Wrapping paper is the disposal straw of gift giving. Thousands of reusable options that have utility outside of this scenario and do this job just as well exist.
I went through a “try to do it better” phase and then a “lean into how bad it was and do an even worse job as a ‘joke’” phase and I have finally arrived at “try to do ok, but not very hard, if the gift is covered up this is victory”
I've been in phase two for like twenty years now and I'm not about to get off this bus. It's funny every time (to me). I do try to make up for it with pretty good gifts though.
and most importantly re-use bags
Dollar Tree gift bags.
But I feel it regardless.
me: "This is 90% by weight, tape."