These are the kind of people who end up carrying cyanide capsules just in case history catches up to them.
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Like an accidental axe to the neck, perchance?
That's terrifying! Hard to believe it was free will. 🤢
I truely believe he'd be laughing his ass off at "PeeWee Goebbels".
Homan just looks like a knuckle dragging thug.
Was disappointed.
Making Arakis Great Again.
because they wake up and hate what they see in the mirror every morning?
Let's make sure it doesn't become a strategic victory.
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
Cyanide is too quick and doesn't give us the opportunity to make them suffer more ...
We can’t just use “people” or “human” or “men” anymore.
There needs to be a new classification for beings utterly devoid of humanity, seething with hatred for everyone, and who dedicate their every waking moment to causing pain to others.