Libertarian free market fundamentalist visions of the world sometimes remind me of zombie fiction tropes, where everyone’s able bodied, the smartest and bravest survive, and we just don’t think too much about little children and grandparents and the disabled because it’s a downer for the story
I like the idea of strong opposition parties to the GOP and Dem monopolies but there just aren’t any that have it together.
A quixotic run for President once ever four years accomplishes nothing (it gets attention, but I'm not sure it's good attention).
They're thinking of shucking those responsibilities on to women & that women ought to do this work for free.
I'm all in favour of a well related market.
Pure fiction.
Hence in any libertarian free market, the mafia, hells angels Nazi militia or drugs cartels will decide the laws.
I usually equate them to 8th graders because they understand the concept of currency and how to obtain it but are completely clueless on the inner workings of a business.
Misinformation propaganda is a powerful thing - and we don't even teach 21st century economics...
The supply of greed demands volatility for speculative bets.
Libertarian are just stupid. has an amazing standup bit about dating a libertarian that I hope they will share video of here
Give me a spin-off about the ladies who are curating things and creating how-to manuals. I bet their origin story is in a library.
Part of me imagines it playing out like the battle of Stalingrad, floor by floor, room by room. I hold out hope for cooperation.