i get sex bots might be annoying
what i don’t get it is why people think that gives them a license to start disrespecting women and sex workers
everyone sells their body for money in some form or fashion get off your high horse
what i don’t get it is why people think that gives them a license to start disrespecting women and sex workers
everyone sells their body for money in some form or fashion get off your high horse
I block them but I don’t feel I’ve disrespected anyone. I do feel they’ve disrespected my request not to receive their solicitations by ignoring it
but i was talking about the people who make a big production about it and shaming sex workers and women in the process
We all have something to sell.
The bot thing is just convenient
They’re mine, if I’m not using them & someone wants to give me money to use them, that’s a business model
It’s entirely different if you don’t want to rent yourself out, but both being treated the same sucks